"Some towns keep their history in glass display cases in a museum with creaky wooden floors," Burt Benson often said. However, in this fictional story centered in the small Midwest town of Taylor Bend, seven decades of American history seep through the sturdy brick walls of Benson's Garage. The roaring '20s find Burt devising a plan to set up a mechanic's workshop and gas station, as he becomes enthralled with the growing popularity of Henry Ford's automobiles. It doesn't take long for Burt's garage to turn into the hub of local news, especially when the country is grappling with the spread...
"Some towns keep their history in glass display cases in a museum with creaky wooden floors," Burt Benson often said. However, in this fictional story...
Business Ethics: New Challenges in a Globalized World provides a comprehensive account of the challenges facing businesses as they pursue global business activities. The importance of business ethics as an academic subject and business priority has increased significantly, as companies have increasingly been placed in the moral spotlight by shareholders, consumers, employees and governments. The growing complexities of the global economy demand a broader and a deeper view of business ethics than that offered by current management approaches that focus on reforming corporate behaviour....
Business Ethics: New Challenges in a Globalized World provides a comprehensive account of the challenges facing businesses as they pursue global busin...