A witty, commonsensical collection of gripes and laugh-out-loud startling bit of wisdom, along with crabby comments on life, question's and opinions on a variety of offenses the human race is guilty of committing. Validation that life appears to be nothing more than a comic opera we blunder through will trigger laughter, not only at our self and what is going on around us; but the absurdity of it all. Spelled out are speculation, melodramatic acts and insights on annoying and obnoxious people and events to give us a straight up accounting of life and unexpected truth telling. You're Kidding...
A witty, commonsensical collection of gripes and laugh-out-loud startling bit of wisdom, along with crabby comments on life, question's and opinions o...
A witty, wise, and common sense outline of life, important information, issues and facts on marriage and work. Frightening truths that have befuddled millions is here in print, giving an accounting of failures, love, the decline of mind and body, all divulged in fun, light-hearted talk. An insight to what happened, questions how we got to this point, life, mysteries of forgetting and wanting to forget and facts that will enlighten us with a comical summarization on life.
A witty, wise, and common sense outline of life, important information, issues and facts on marriage and work. Frightening truths that have befuddled ...