..".offers a tutorial guide to IC designers who want to move to the next level of chip design by unlocking the secrets of signal integrity." --Jake Buurma, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Research & Development, Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Covers signal integrity effects in high performance Radio Frequency (RF) IC
Brings together research papers from the past few years that address the broad range of issues faced by IC designers and CAD managers now and in the future
A Wiley-IEEE Press publication
..".offers a tutorial guide to IC designers who want to move to the next level of chip design by unlocking the secrets of signal integrity." --<...
"An excellent introduction to the SiGe BiCMOS technology, from the underlying device physics to current applications." -Ron Wilson, EETimes
"SiGe technology has demonstrated the ability to provide excellent high-performance characteristics with very low noise, at high power gain, and with excellent linearity. This book is a comprehensive review of the technology and of the design methods that go with it." -Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli Professor, University of California, Berkeley Cofounder, Chief Technology Officer, Member of Board Cadence Design...
"An excellent introduction to the SiGe BiCMOS technology, from the underlying device physics to current applications." -Ron Wilson, EETimes