Revised and edited Nov, '16 - The Word burst forth, individualized as the Children of God. Together, they freely explored and joyously shared the All. But it came to pass that some of the Children decided to create definition, forms, which they came to call Earth. On Earth, the Children created more forms, beautiful ones, but became trapped in the limitations they imposed. Now the Children were subject to time and space, death, even a sense of being separate and apart from their Father-Mother-God. With this came fear and competition, which further fueled this ever downwardly spiraling...
Revised and edited Nov, '16 - The Word burst forth, individualized as the Children of God. Together, they freely explored and joyously shared the All....
The complete works of the Peter Project include more than 200 readings and span a period of more than 10 years. The Project consists of two components: - the Peter Chronicles, detailing Peter's life beyond Earth - questions about the Chronicles submitted to Lama Sing by members participating in the project at that time While the Chronicles deal with Lama Sing's valiant efforts to translate the indescribable realms in which Peter is having his adventures, the Q&A's are so very interesting because they offer direct, fascinating answers to specific questions. The Q&A readings make up more than...
The complete works of the Peter Project include more than 200 readings and span a period of more than 10 years. The Project consists of two components...
In this book are 365 messages from the works of Lama Sing, channeled by Al Miner over the past forty years As you use this book, know that you are not alone. Many others are with you in the day's reflection. Thus, the seed thought is amplified, and you are empowered by the greater group focusing on the same intent.
In this book are 365 messages from the works of Lama Sing, channeled by Al Miner over the past forty years As you use this book, know that you are not...
This is a compilation of quotes and excerpts taken from the first nine Al Miner/Lama Sing readings given to an internet study group. The group is dedicated to liberating themselves from the illusions and limitations of finiteness while yet in physical body and serving from a position of awakened Freedom. If you want to start a similar spiritual group, are in a group with similar interests, or have no one with whom to be in a group, this book is a good guide for discussion, meditation, and implementation, especially when accompanied by the compilation of complete readings found on the Lama...
This is a compilation of quotes and excerpts taken from the first nine Al Miner/Lama Sing readings given to an internet study group. The group is dedi...
This is a summary of 20 readings that were combined into a book titled When Comes the Call, a body of work considered by many to be the most foundational and contributive of over 10,000 readings given by Al Miner and Lama Sing. It is the story of the history of the Children of God, including the birth and "entrapment" of humanity, and the imminent coming Promise of the return of utter Free Will Choice. Free will choice is a term often bantered about and believed to varying degrees, though most would not believe theirs is the choice over pestilence, disease, geographic or societal conditions,...
This is a summary of 20 readings that were combined into a book titled When Comes the Call, a body of work considered by many to be the most foundatio...