Two powerful books concerning apostolic ministry in one edition The Apostle Question: The focus of this book is to bring clarity and understanding to the role of the apostle in the Church. Sound biblical answers to questions concerning the function of the apostle are answered. This information will help individuals to recognize the operations of this anointing in their lives and in the lives of others. It is our hope that believers will develop a greater respect and acceptance of the apostolic office and gift. The Apostolic Paradigm Shift: Apostles and apostolic ministry are...
Two powerful books concerning apostolic ministry in one edition The Apostle Question: The focus of this book is to bring clarity and understandi...
Two enlightening books concerning dreams, visions, and spiritual gifts in one edition From the library of Abundant Truth Publishing: The Spiritual Gifts: God gives the Church gifts to benefit everyone. The purpose of the gifts is not make us spiritual, but to help us to serve and minister to one another in love. The operation of the Spirit of God and His gifts/ministries among believers testifies to the presence of God in the Church. In this book, we will take a biblical approach to examining and explaining the gifts and ministries of the Spirit, their functions, and how to recognize...
Two enlightening books concerning dreams, visions, and spiritual gifts in one edition From the library of Abundant Truth Publishing: The Spiritu...
UPDATED EDITION. The focus of this teaching and study material is to bring clarity and understanding to the apostolic and prophetic offices, and also to the apostolic and prophetic anointings. These lessons will help individuals to recognize the operations of these anointings in the lives of believers.
UPDATED EDITION. The focus of this teaching and study material is to bring clarity and understanding to the apostolic and prophetic offices, and also ...
God set ministries within the Church; namely, the pastor and the teacher for its continuance. These ministries are important for the equipping and maturing of the saints. In the pages of this study, we will discuss the ministries of the pastor and of the teacher in detail.
God set ministries within the Church; namely, the pastor and the teacher for its continuance. These ministries are important for the equipping and mat...
Jesus Christ, through His priestly ministry, provided salvation unto all men. Those who receive Him, of both Jew and Gentile, become members of His family. Under the Old Covenant, the priesthood belonged to Aaron and his sons. Since believers, by faith, are part of Christ's family line, they receive the ministry of the priesthood also. In the pages of this study, we will provide foundational truth concerning the royal priesthood of the believer.
Jesus Christ, through His priestly ministry, provided salvation unto all men. Those who receive Him, of both Jew and Gentile, become members of His fa...