Popular Lefton ceramic dinnerware has been made from 1946 to the present, in 120 different collectible patterns. Here is their story, with over 340 beautiful color pictures to document their variety and make this book the best and most comprehensive resource for Lefton identification. Markings and paper labels are carefully discussed and shown. Common patterns and the "Heritage" lines are featured, along with a comprehensive alphabetical pattern inventory and price guide. Lefton and Occupied Japan collectors will find much to learn in this valuable new reference.
Popular Lefton ceramic dinnerware has been made from 1946 to the present, in 120 different collectible patterns. Here is their story, with over 340 be...
This is the most comprehensive book written on Lefton China to date. What makes this book stand apart is the extensive price guide section containing company identification numbers, descriptions, and current prices for more than 7,600 different items made by the prolific Geo. Zoltan Lefton Company of Chicago, Illinois. Lefton collectors will also welcome the examples shown of over one hundred Lefton patterns, enabling quick identification of related pieces. A unique feature is the section describing and illustrating the popular Lefton Collections, including Colonial Village(TM), Historic...
This is the most comprehensive book written on Lefton China to date. What makes this book stand apart is the extensive price guide section containing ...