Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, acclaimed horse trainer and show rider Martha Crawford Cantarini was among the busiest of Hollywood's elite corps of female stunt riders. This memoir of the American entertainment industry recounts Martha's personal and professional associations with Clark Gable, Jean Simmons, and other Hollywood luminaries.
Throughout the 1940s and 1950s, acclaimed horse trainer and show rider Martha Crawford Cantarini was among the busiest of Hollywood's elite corps of f...
Pioneer aviatrix Jessie "Chubbie" Miller made a significant contribution to aviation history. The first woman to fly from England to her native Australia (as co-pilot with her close friend Captain Bill Lancaster), she was also the first woman to fly more than 8000 miles, to cross the equator in the air and to traverse the Australian continent north to south. Moving to America, Miller was a popular member of a group of female aviators that included Amelia Earhart, Bobby Trout, Pancho Barnes and Louise Thaden. As a competitor in international air races and a charter member of the first...
Pioneer aviatrix Jessie "Chubbie" Miller made a significant contribution to aviation history. The first woman to fly from England to her native Austra...