On April 11, 2005, in Jerusalem, Karl Plagge will be named a Righteous Amongthe Nationshero by the State of Israel. He joins Oskar Schindler and some380 other similarly honored Germans who protected and saved Jews duringthe Holocaust.Karl Plagge's story is of a unique kind of courage-that of a German army officerwho subverted the system of death to save the lives of some 250 Jews in Vilna, Lithuania. One of those he saved was Michael Good's mother.Haunted by his mother's stories of the mysterious officer who commanded herslave labor camp, Michael Good resolved to find out all he could about...
On April 11, 2005, in Jerusalem, Karl Plagge will be named a Righteous Amongthe Nationshero by the State of Israel. He joins Oskar Schindler and some3...
When The Search for Major Plagge was published last spring, the world finally learned about a unique hero-and about one American doctor's extraordinary journey to tell Karl Plagge's story.Part detective story, part personal quest, Michael Good's book is the story of the German commander of a Lithuanian work camp who saved hundreds of Jewish lives in the Vilna ghetto -including the life of Good's mother, Pearl. Who was this enigmatic officer Pearl Good had spoken of so often?After five years of research-interviewing survivors, assembling a team that could work to open German files untouched...
When The Search for Major Plagge was published last spring, the world finally learned about a unique hero-and about one American doctor's extraordinar...