-Destined to become a classic, The Road to Jerusalem is a brilliant, dramatic recreation of the medieval world.- --Sharon Kay Penman, New York Times bestselling author of Devil's Brood Already an international sensation, The Road to Jerusalem by Jan Guillou is the epic story of the Knights Templar. A major bestseller in Europe--with more than two million copies sold in Sweden alone--and the basis for the most lavish and expensive Swedish film ever made, it is a novel Diana Gabaldon calls, -beautifully constructed...skillfully written and...
-Destined to become a classic, The Road to Jerusalem is a brilliant, dramatic recreation of the medieval world.- --Sharon Kay Penman,
Born in 1150 to a noble Swedish family and coming of age at a monastery under the tutelage of a Cistercian monk and a former Knight Templar, young Arn Magnusson is sent to fulfill his destiny beyond the cloister walls. But the world awaiting him is a place at odds with his monastic ways. And when the murder of a king engulfs Western Gotaland into a whirlwind of intrigue and ruthless power plays, headstrong and naive Arn is forced to leave the woman he loves behind and take up arms to battle infidels in...
For power. For passion. For glory.
The epic story of the Knights Templar.
Born in 1150 to a noble Swedish family and coming of age at...
" Guillou] has a remarkable grasp of the mind-set of the period and always puts the emphasis where it would be for the people involved at that time, rather than ours. Some readers may find that disorienting, but a capacity for disturbing readers' assumptions is even more a hallmark of good historical fiction than the inclusion of the Knights Templar." -- Diana Gabaldon, Washington Post
Jan Guillou follows up the highly acclaimed The Road to Jerusalem with the second book in his Knights Templar trilogy. Readers of Bernard Cornwell, Conn Iggulden, and Stephen...
" Guillou] has a remarkable grasp of the mind-set of the period and always puts the emphasis where it would be for the people involved at that time...
Erik ist 14, als ihn keine normale Schule mehr aufnehmen will. Selbst Sohn eines prgelnden Vaters, ist er der Anfhrer einer rabiaten Jungenbande. Seine letzte Chance, das Abitur zu machen, ist das vornehme Elite-Internat Stjrnsberg. In Wahrheit wird es von sadistischen Primanern beherrscht, die systematisch jngere Schler qulen. Ein brutales, faschistoides Regiment - und die Lehrer schauen weg. Fr Erik beginnt ein Teufelskreis der Gewalt. Erst als er die Schule abschliet, wei er, dass Gewalt in seinem Leben nie wieder eine Rolle spielen darf. Ein Roman ber die Versuchung des Bsen und den Mut,...
Erik ist 14, als ihn keine normale Schule mehr aufnehmen will. Selbst Sohn eines prgelnden Vaters, ist er der Anfhrer einer rabiaten Jungenbande. Sein...
Zwanzig lange Jahre währte der Kreuzzug im Heiligen Land. Zwanzig Jahre, die Arn Magnusson von seiner Heimat Götaland und seiner Geliebten Cecilia getrennt war. Nun kehrt der Tempelritter heim, doch das Glück des Paares ist nur von kurzer Dauer. Cecilia fällt einer Intrige zum Opfer, und der erbitterte Streit um die Krone droht Götaland in einen verhängnisvollen Krieg zu stürzen.
Zwanzig lange Jahre währte der Kreuzzug im Heiligen Land. Zwanzig Jahre, die Arn Magnusson von seiner Heimat Götaland und seiner Geliebten Cecilia g...
Inthe final gripping volume of Jan Guillou'sboundary-breaking Crusades Trilogy, exiled warrior Arnde Gotha returns home to Sweden, determined to liberate and unite his homelandin what promises to be his greatest trial yet. Traveling from Saladin'ssand-swept Holy Lands to the Scandinavian North, Arn'sfinal adventure is a captivating historical narrative encompassing the strugglefor honor, the quest for lost love, and the momentous clash of European andMiddle Eastern cultures. Fans of Bernard Cornwell, Conn Iggulden, William Dietrich, and James Clavell will beenthralled by Jan Guillous'...
Inthe final gripping volume of Jan Guillou'sboundary-breaking Crusades Trilogy, exiled warrior Arnde Gotha returns home to Sweden, determined to liber...