A little girl pitches in to help her tia save up for a car and take the whole family to the beach.
Tia Isa quiere un carro brillante que sea del mismo color verde del oceano. Pero el dinero no alcanza, sobre todo porque lo que ganan se divide en dos partes: una para gastar aqui y otra para enviar a la familia que vive lejos, con la esperanza de verse algun dia nuevamente.
Mientras tia Isa raciona el dinero, su sobrina trata de ayudar con los ahorros en su propia forma. Pero podran ahorrar lo suficiente para un carro?
While Tia Isa wants to save money for a...
A little girl pitches in to help her tia save up for a car and take the whole family to the beach.
A little girl pitches in to help her tia save up for a big old car - and take the whole family to the beach - in a story told with warmth and sweetness. Tia Isa wants a car. A shiny green car the same color as the ocean, with wings like a swooping bird. A car to take the whole family to the beach. But saving is hard when everything goes into two piles - one for here and one for Helping Money, so that family members who live far away might join them someday. While Tia Isa saves, her niece does odd jobs for neighbors so she can add her earnings to the stack. But even with her help,...
A little girl pitches in to help her tia save up for a big old car - and take the whole family to the beach - in a story told with warmth and sweet...