Trapped in a concrete room beneath the headquarters of an international crime organization, four middle-aged high school classmates find themselves caught in a web of espionage and intrigue that threatens their lives and those of everyone they know. When the undercover agents first approached Melanie Tyler and Kathleen O'Brian the night of their 30th high school reunion, the women could never have imagined that the innocent 60's television spy show game they had played nearly four decades ago, would become a real life confrontation with one of the most insidious criminal minds of their...
Trapped in a concrete room beneath the headquarters of an international crime organization, four middle-aged high school classmates find themselves ca...
Content with his life as a small town, Postmaster Alex Bentley never intended to become a hero, much less a media sensation, but fate had different plans. From deep within the splendor of the Catskill Mountains, to the majestic skyline of Manhattan, First Class Male delivers an intricate tale of a small town postmaster who triumphs over a ruthless District Attorney, a mysterious adversary, an unsympathetic public and finally his own heart.
Content with his life as a small town, Postmaster Alex Bentley never intended to become a hero, much less a media sensation, but fate had different pl...
Red Wine for Breakfast stars radio host Jenny Reed, a 34 year old ex-New Yorker who plays macho Monopoly by her own rules; Winner take all. And she had it all. The number one morning radio show on KKTM FM in Los Angeles, a wonderful best friend, and a nice noncommittal affair with the station owner, Brian Allen. Her career was all she needed. Success was all she ever wanted. Until Johnny King became her on air partner and challenged her to play his own game. The day she beat him was the day she gained his respect. It was also the day she lost her best friend in an apparent suicide ... or was...
Red Wine for Breakfast stars radio host Jenny Reed, a 34 year old ex-New Yorker who plays macho Monopoly by her own rules; Winner take all. And she ha...