In the two decades before World War One, Great Britain witnessed the largest revival of anti-slavery protest since the legendary age of emancipation in the mid-nineteenth century. Rather than campaigning against the trans-Atlantic slave trade, these latter-day abolitionists focused on the so-called 'new slaveries' of European imperialism in Africa, condemning coercive systems of labor taxation and indentured servitude, as well as evidence of atrocities.
A Civilized Savagery illuminates the multifaceted nature of British humanitarianism by juxtaposing campaigns against different forms of...
In the two decades before World War One, Great Britain witnessed the largest revival of anti-slavery protest since the legendary age of emancipatio...
Explores the central role of the British Empire in developing transnational ideas, institutions and social movements of increasing scope and influence in the eras of high imperialism and the two world wars. Chapters follow transnational dynamics and debates over sovereignty in the domains of sexuality, law, politics, culture and religion.
Explores the central role of the British Empire in developing transnational ideas, institutions and social movements of increasing scope and influence...