German and European immigration policies have only recently begun to cope with the inevitable: growing labor demand in the face of high unemployment and a shrinking labor force due to demographic change. Despite the implementation of Germany's first immigration act and several European initiatives towards legal harmonization at the EU level, an actively controlling immigration policy, which would be needed to master the challenges ahead, is not yet in sight. Against this background, the book draws conclusions from the German history of immigration policy. It analyzes the country's future...
German and European immigration policies have only recently begun to cope with the inevitable: growing labor demand in the face of high unemploymen...
Among the concepts used to assess the sustainability of fiscal policy in a changing demographic environment, generational accounting has become the most prominent. This book gives a complete and up-to-date introduction to the theory and practice of the method. It reveals deficiencies of the original residual concept and discusses various measures of intergenerational redistribution based on the recent sustainability approach to generational accounting. An application using data on German public finances serves to provide an in-depth explanation and practical illustration of the technique. The...
Among the concepts used to assess the sustainability of fiscal policy in a changing demographic environment, generational accounting has become the mo...
Among the concepts used to assess the sustainability of fiscal policy in a changing demographic environment, generational accounting has become the most prominent. This book gives a complete and up-to-date introduction to the theory and practice of the method. It reveals deficiencies of the original residual concept and discusses various measures of intergenerational redistribution based on the recent sustainability approach to generational accounting. An application using data on German public finances serves to provide an in-depth explanation and practical illustration of the technique. The...
Among the concepts used to assess the sustainability of fiscal policy in a changing demographic environment, generational accounting has become the mo...
Deutschland befindet sich in einem harten internationalen Wettbewerb um qualifizierte Arbeitskrafte. Dabei steht der aktuelle Fachkraftemangel nur scheinbar im Gegensatz zu einer anhaltend hohen Arbeitslosigkeit von Geringqualifizierten. Gewichtige demographische Argumente sprechen fur eine gezielte Auswahl von Zuwanderern anhand arbeitsmarktbezogener Kriterien. Dieser Konstellation kann die Politik ohne eine okonomischen Regeln gehorchende Steuerung der Zuwanderung nicht gerecht werden. Das Buch analysiert die kurz- und langfristige Engpasssituation auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt und...
Deutschland befindet sich in einem harten internationalen Wettbewerb um qualifizierte Arbeitskrafte. Dabei steht der aktuelle Fachkraftemangel nur sch...
German and European immigration policies have only recently begun to cope with the inevitable: growing labor demand in the face of high unemployment and a shrinking labor force due to demographic change. Despite the implementation of Germany's first immigration act and several European initiatives towards legal harmonization at the EU level, an actively controlling immigration policy, which would be needed to master the challenges ahead, is not yet in sight. Against this background, the book draws conclusions from the German history of immigration policy. It analyzes the country's future...
German and European immigration policies have only recently begun to cope with the inevitable: growing labor demand in the face of high unemploymen...
Deutschland befindet sich in einem harten internationalen Wettbewerb um qualifizierte Arbeitskrafte. Dabei steht der aktuelle Fachkraftemangel nur scheinbar im Gegensatz zu einer anhaltend hohen Arbeitslosigkeit von Geringqualifizierten. Gewichtige demographische Argumente sprechen fur eine gezielte Auswahl von Zuwanderern anhand arbeitsmarktbezogener Kriterien. Dieser Konstellation kann die Politik ohne eine okonomischen Regeln gehorchende Steuerung der Zuwanderung nicht gerecht werden. Das Buch analysiert die kurz- und langfristige Engpasssituation auf dem deutschen Arbeitsmarkt und...
Deutschland befindet sich in einem harten internationalen Wettbewerb um qualifizierte Arbeitskrafte. Dabei steht der aktuelle Fachkraftemangel nur sch...