"Adirondack" is an adventure suspense tale of murder and survival in the mountains of upstate New York. Most of the action occurs near the High Peaks region of the Adirondacks- a land beautiful and terrifying, a wild place that can bring out the best and the worst in people; darkly intimidating and dangerous at times, yet strangely electrifying and inspiring. It is a primeval land that asks nothing of you but will take all that you have, and in return will give you hope and love of life and strength of spirit. A ten year old lad and a young woman flee for their lives, unprepared, as it...
"Adirondack" is an adventure suspense tale of murder and survival in the mountains of upstate New York. Most of the action occurs near the High Peaks ...
"Adirondack" is an adventure suspense tale of murder and survival in the mountains of upstate New York. Most of the action occurs near the High Peaks region of the Adirondacks- a land beautiful and terrifying, a wild place that can bring out the best and the worst in people; darkly intimidating and dangerous at times, yet strangely electrifying and inspiring. It is a primeval land that asks nothing of you but will take all that you have, and in return will give you hope and love of life and strength of spirit. A ten year old lad and a young woman flee for their lives, unprepared, as it...
"Adirondack" is an adventure suspense tale of murder and survival in the mountains of upstate New York. Most of the action occurs near the High Peaks ...