-Byron Katie is one of the truly great and inspiring teachers of our time. I encourage everyone to immerse themselves in this phenomenal book.- -Dr. Wayne W. Dyer In her first two books, Loving What Is and I Need Your Love-Is That True? Byron Katie showed how suffering can be ended by questioning the stressful thoughts that create it. Now, in A Thousand Names for Joy, she encourages us to discover the freedom that lives on the other side of inquiry. Stephen Mitchell-the renowned translator of the Tao Te Ching-selected provocative excerpts from that ancient text as...
-Byron Katie is one of the truly great and inspiring teachers of our time. I encourage everyone to immerse themselves in this phenomenal book.- -Dr. W...
In Loving What Is, bestselling author Byron Katie introduced thousands of people to her simple and profound method of finding happiness through questioning the mind. Now, I Need Your Love--Is That True? examines a universal, age-old source of anxiety: our relationships with others. In this groundbreaking book, Katie helps you question everything you have been taught to do to gain love and approval. In doing this, you discover how to find genuine love and connection. The usual advice offered in self-help books and reinforced by our culture advocates a stressful,...
In Loving What Is, bestselling author Byron Katie introduced thousands of people to her simple and profound method of finding happiness through...
With selected quotations from "A New Earth" and "A Thousand Names for Joy," this stunning gift book combines selected wisdom from two of the most popular spirituality writers of this century with vibrant photos of nature's most colorful gift, the flower.
With selected quotations from "A New Earth" and "A Thousand Names for Joy," this stunning gift book combines selected wisdom from two of the most popu...
Byron Katie hat eine Methode entwickelt, mit der jeder Mensch die Urteile, die er ber seine Aussenwelt fllt, als Mittel zur Selbsterkenntnis einsetzen kann. In diesem Buch beschreibt sie ihre Selbstfindungs-Technik und zeigt anhand zahlreicher Fallbeispiele, wie sie funktioniert und wie wir davon profitieren knnen.
Byron Katie hat eine Methode entwickelt, mit der jeder Mensch die Urteile, die er ber seine Aussenwelt fllt, als Mittel zur Selbsterkenntnis einsetzen...