October 1835. Patience Goodspeed, almost thirteen years old, departs from Nantucket aboard her father's whaling ship. Between kitchen duty and whale blubber stench, this voyage is far from a pleasure cruise. At least Papa lets Patience assist the ship's navigator since she's so good at calculations. But the smooth sailing doesn't last long. Mutinous mates maroon most of the crew, including Patience's father and brother, on a deserted island. Can Patience rescue everyone before it's too late?
October 1835. Patience Goodspeed, almost thirteen years old, departs from Nantucket aboard her father's whaling ship. Between kitchen duty and whale b...
This year the mothers have a big surprise in store for Emma, Jess, Cassidy, and Megan: They've invited snooty Becca Chadwick and her mother to join the book club
But there are bigger problems when Jess finds out that her family may have to give up Half Moon Farm. In a year filled with skating parties, a disastrous mother-daughter camping trip, and a high-stakes fashion show, the girls realize that it's only through working together -- Becca included -- that they can save Half Moon Farm.
Acclaimed author Heather Vogel Frederick...
The mother-daughter book club is back
This year the mothers have a big surprise in store for Emma, Jess, Cassidy, and Megan: They've invi...
Acclaimed author Heather Vogel Frederick will delight daughters of all ages in a novel about the fabulousness of fiction, family, and friendship.
The book club is about to get a makeover....
Even if Megan would rather be at the mall, Cassidy is late for hockey practice, Emma's already read every book in existence, and Jess is missing her mother too much to care, the new book club is scheduled to meet every month.
But what begins as a mom-imposed ritual of reading Little Women soon helps four unlikely friends navigate the drama of middle school. From stolen...
Acclaimed author Heather Vogel Frederick will delight daughters of all ages in a novel about the fabulousness of fiction, family, and friendship.
This year the mothers have a big surprise in store for Emma, Jess, Cassidy, and Megan: They've invited snooty Becca Chadwick and her mother to join the book club
But there are bigger problems when Jess finds out that her family may have to give up Half Moon Farm. In a year filled with skating parties, a disastrous mother-daughter camping trip, and a high-stakes fashion show, the girls realize that it's only through working together -- Becca included -- that they can save Half Moon Farm.
Acclaimed author Heather Vogel Frederick...
The mother-daughter book club is back
This year the mothers have a big surprise in store for Emma, Jess, Cassidy, and Megan: They've invi...
Join the mother-daughter book club for a holiday season with all the trimmings
This year, the girls are everywhere but home for the holidays. From a tropical cruise to a ski trip to Switzerland, it promises to be a Christmas to remember. Becca, Megan, Emma, Cassidy, and Jess have plenty of reading material to bring on their trips too, because the book club is tackling the Betsy-Tacy series before their next meeting on New Year's Eve. But from unexpected blizzards to a sledding disaster, nothing goes as planned. Even the Secret Santa presents are turning into a huge disappointment....
Join the mother-daughter book club for a holiday season with all the trimmings
This year, the girls are everywhere but home for the holidays....
An unsent letter in a first edition copy of Charlotte's Web leads to a hunt for treasure in this heartwarming middle grade mystery from the author of The Mother-Daughter Book Club.
Now that Truly Lovejoy's father has been injured by an IED in Afghanistan and is having trouble finding work back home, the family moves from Texas to tiny Pumpkin Falls, New Hampshire, to take over Lovejoy's Books, a struggling bookstore that's been in the family for one hundred years.
With two older brothers and two younger sisters clamoring for attention, her mother back in school, and...
An unsent letter in a first edition copy of Charlotte's Web leads to a hunt for treasure in this heartwarming middle grade mystery from the aut...
Another wild mystery needs to be solved and it's up to the Pumpkin Falls Private Eyes to solve it in this hilarious follow up to the heartwarming middle grade mystery, Absolutely Truly.
Even Truly Lovejoy has to admit that teeny-tiny Pumpkin Falls, New Hampshire, has its charms--like the annual maple festival, where tourists flock from all over to sample the local maple syrup, maple candy, maple coffee, and even maple soap But when someone tries to sabotage the maple trees on her friend Franklin's family farm, Truly has to rally the Pumpkin Falls Private Eyes to investigate....
Another wild mystery needs to be solved and it's up to the Pumpkin Falls Private Eyes to solve it in this hilarious follow up to the heartwarming midd...