From the walls of Troy to our modern world, "Horsesh*t" is a hilarious but foul-mouthed -to say nothing of politically incorrect- trip down memory lane narrated by history's most unusual witness. It combines both fact and fiction in a way that sticks to your mind like glu... okay, maybe not that. No, one hundred percent factual the book is not, and dates and figures are few and far between, but the bits of fancy that are included are easy enough to spot, and over all it is both entertaining and thoroughly researched. On the downside, unlike most history books, it won't replace your sleeping...
From the walls of Troy to our modern world, "Horsesh*t" is a hilarious but foul-mouthed -to say nothing of politically incorrect- trip down memory lan...
Cuando un arbol cae en el bosque hay alguien ahi para oirlo, y esta es su historia. "El Caminante de las Sombras" es una historia extrana acerca de una entidad cuyo unico proposito es servir como testigo, recordar a los mundos que han sido olvidados, y conservar viva la memoria de aquellas especies que, habiendo alcanzado la autoconsciencia, han dejado de existir. Es una existencia solitaria que no tiene ni principio ni fin... una que se ve interrumpida cuando el Caminante se queda varado en un mundo cuyos habitantes son literalmente alergicos a su presencia. Incapaz de seguir su marcha, al...
Cuando un arbol cae en el bosque hay alguien ahi para oirlo, y esta es su historia. "El Caminante de las Sombras" es una historia extrana acerca de un...
X or Y? Utopia or dystopia? In a world in which death has become a thing of the past, the answer may well depend on X or Y.
The attempt to portray what kind of form human society could possibly take in the future has long been one of the staples of science fiction, but in spite of that fact in "Laira" Clea Saal has managed to come up with a surprisingly fresh take on that particular subject.
That there is something unique about this book becomes apparent from the moment the reader hits the Table of Contents, and the attention to detail that has gone into crafting a world that, while...
X or Y? Utopia or dystopia? In a world in which death has become a thing of the past, the answer may well depend on X or Y.
X o Y? Utopia o distopia? En un mundo en el que la muerte se ha convertido en cosa del pasado la respuesta depende de X o Y.
El intentar describir la forma que una sociedad futura puede llegar a tomar ha sido desde siempre uno de los subgeneros mas populares de la ciencia ficcion, pero a pesar de ello en "Laira" Clea Saal ha logrado crear una perspectiva refrescantemente diferente.
Que hay algo unico respecto a este libro, que se destaca por su minuciosa atencion al mas minimo detalle, se hace evidente desde el momento en que el lector se encuentra con el indice. En este libro se...
X o Y? Utopia o distopia? En un mundo en el que la muerte se ha convertido en cosa del pasado la respuesta depende de X o Y.
At last, a scale theory book that was written with students, rather than teachers, in mind
In "Scales at a Glance, Setting Music Theory on Its Ear" Clea Saal, a dyslexic who found the staff to be an incredibly frustrating device, replaces the traditionally tedious task of memorizing countless scales with an unbelievably simple visual approach, one that turns even the most complex scale structure into something that can be grasped by a student in his or her first music lesson.
Even though this book was written with beginners in mind, its approach will also bring an unexpected relief...
At last, a scale theory book that was written with students, rather than teachers, in mind
In "Scales at a Glance, Setting Music Theory on Its ...
Al fin, un libro de escalas que fue escrito con los estudiantes, y no con los maestros, en mente
En "Escalas a simple vista" Clea Saal, una dislexica a la cual el pentagrama le parecia particularmente frustrante, reemplaza la tediosa tarea de memorizar incontables escalas con un metodo visual que resulta increiblemente simple, uno que permite reducir la estructura de la escala mas compleja a algo que puede ser comprendido por un alumno en su primera clase de musica.
Si bien este libro fue escrito con los principiantes en mente, cabe senalar que el sistema que utiliza tambien les...
Al fin, un libro de escalas que fue escrito con los estudiantes, y no con los maestros, en mente
The ghosts were to be ignored, and the fact that his daughter was missing was not to be mentioned. Those had long been two of the guiding principles in Mr. Jones's life, but when a ghost that is unlike any other crosses his path this perfectly ordinary man comes to the realization that he can no longer afford to look away. The problem is that, in his quest to find an answer to some of those questions he had never dared to ask before, he is soon confronted with the realization that the contradictions are piling up... and with the mounting evidence of the fact that, just by refusing to look...
The ghosts were to be ignored, and the fact that his daughter was missing was not to be mentioned. Those had long been two of the guiding principle...
Los fantasmas debian ser ignorados, y el hecho de que su hija habia desaparecido era una de esas cosas que no debian ser mencionadas. Esos habian sido siempre dos de los pilares fundamentales de la vida del Sr. Jones, pero cuando un fantasma que no era como los otros se cruzo en su camino a este hombre perfectamente ordinario de repente se le hizo imposible el desviar la mirada. El problema era que, en su intento desesperado por buscar una respuesta a algunas de esas preguntas que nunca se habia atrevido a formular, se encontro frente a frente con una lista creciente de contradicciones, y...
Los fantasmas debian ser ignorados, y el hecho de que su hija habia desaparecido era una de esas cosas que no debian ser mencionadas. Esos habian s...