Jeffrey S. Marshall Elizabeth S.M. Ed. S.M. Ed. Marshall
A comprehensive, modern account of the flow of inviscid incompressible fluids
This one-stop resource for students, instructors, and professionals goes beyond analytical solutions for irrotational fluids to provide practical answers to real-world problems involving complex boundaries. It offers extensive coverage of vorticity transport as well as computational methods for inviscid flows, and it provides a solid foundation for further studies in fluid dynamics.
Inviscid Incompressible Flow supplies a rigorous introduction to the continuum mechanics of fluid flows. It...
A comprehensive, modern account of the flow of inviscid incompressible fluids
This one-stop resource for students, instructors, and profe...
Adhesive Particle Flow: A Discrete-Element Approach offers a comprehensive treatment of adhesive particle flows at the particle level. This book adopts a particle-level approach oriented toward directly simulating the various fluid, electric field, collision, and adhesion forces and torques acting on the particles, within the framework of a discrete-element model. It is ideal for professionals and graduate students working in engineering and atmospheric and condensed matter physics, materials science, environmental science, and other disciplines where particulate flows have a significant...
Adhesive Particle Flow: A Discrete-Element Approach offers a comprehensive treatment of adhesive particle flows at the particle level. This book adopt...