In this work Harry H. Singleton, III, uniquely combines the theological methods of Juan Luis Segundo and James H. Cone. Segundo's method of deideologization is appropriated to argue that relevant theological reflection must depart from the exposing of religio-political ideologies that justify human opression in the name of God and their need to be effectively countered by the creation of new theological presuppositions rooted in liberation. Singleton then contextualizes Segundo's method by offering Cone's theological perspective as the best example of such an approach in America insofar as it...
In this work Harry H. Singleton, III, uniquely combines the theological methods of Juan Luis Segundo and James H. Cone. Segundo's method of deideologi...
In this insightful work, Harry H. Singleton, III, analyzes the white religious establishment's use of Christian faith throughout American history to link divine will with black oppression. This exploitation establishes Christian faith as the single most persuasive tool in convincing whites of their superiority and blacks of their inferiority. Singleton calls for a reexamination of the major categories of Christian theology due to its misuse by many leading white clergy and theologians. He constructs a more liberating approach to Christian faith by freeing it from its convenient concerns with...
In this insightful work, Harry H. Singleton, III, analyzes the white religious establishment's use of Christian faith throughout American history to l...