In the second installment of their cutting-edge romantic trilogy, Shonell Bacon and JDaniels continue to explore the effects past lives and lies have on the potential for everlasting love. Roxy Winters, the notorious younger sister of Luvalwayz's Deandra, returns in Draw Me With Your Love, this time with a romantic adventure of her own. Fresh out of college and ready to pursue her passion for art, Roxy takes a job at a trendy Manhattan gallery. Persuaded by her boss and confidante to attend an arts event on a cruise ship, Roxy develops more than just professional...
In the second installment of their cutting-edge romantic trilogy, Shonell Bacon and JDaniels continue to explore the effects past lives and lies ha...
To snitch or not to snitch? This is the question 16-year-old Seneca Allen can't seem to answer without trouble laying in the cut. What's a girl to do but get caught up when her male and female best friends date each other and one of them cheats right in front of her? No matter what she decides, her action or lack thereof will end up costing her a true friend.
To snitch or not to snitch? This is the question 16-year-old Seneca Allen can't seem to answer without trouble laying in the cut. What's a girl to do ...
Sometimes life is stranger than fiction; take the lives of mystery novelists and twins, Jovan Parham-Anderson and Cheyenne Parham. They are young, beautiful, talented, and on their way to their sixth best-selling novel; that is, until Jo learns her husband, Cordell Anderson, founder of Anderson Technologies, is having an affair with Alisha Stewart, his right hand at Anderson. Before she can confront him, tragedy strikes her home, and Jovan must deal with the fact that the careful, safe life she had with Cordell was merely smoke and mirrors.
Sometimes life is stranger than fiction; take the lives of mystery novelists and twins, Jovan Parham-Anderson and Cheyenne Parham. They are young, bea...