The selected plays show the extraordinary variety of Irish drama today as well as the brilliance of Irish playwrights, both seasoned veterans and those beginning to build reputations on the stages of the world's premier national theatre, The Abbey. The first play by award-winning playwright Michael Harding, Sour Grapes, explores the taboos of seminary life including paedophilia and homosexuality. Thomas Kilroy's The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde tells the historical drama of the marriage of Constance to Oscar Wilde and recounts the tragedy that was her marriage and life. Interlocking lives...
The selected plays show the extraordinary variety of Irish drama today as well as the brilliance of Irish playwrights, both seasoned veterans and thos...
The selected plays show the extraordinary variety of Irish drama today as well as the brilliance of Irish playwrights, both seasoned veterans and those beginning to build reputations on the stages of the world's premier national theatre, The Abbey. The first play by award-winning playwright Michael Harding, Sour Grapes, explores the taboos of seminary life including paedophilia and homosexuality. Thomas Kilroy's The Secret Fall of Constance Wilde tells the historical drama of the marriage of Constance to Oscar Wilde and recounts the tragedy that was her marriage and life. Interlocking lives...
The selected plays show the extraordinary variety of Irish drama today as well as the brilliance of Irish playwrights, both seasoned veterans and thos...
This anthology offers the best new plays from Ireland's Abbey Theatre. In Hugh Leonard's Love in the Title, a woman's visit to the Irish countryside leads to a surreal meeting with her own mother as a 30-year-old in 1964 and her grandmother as a 20-year-old in 1922. The frank exchanges that mark this meeting allow the women to remain in and represent their times, yet still communicate with each other. Frank McGuinness's Dolly West's Kitchen is set in a small house in Donegal, 1944, a meeting place where two American GIs, a British Army captain and the nationalistic West family share meals and...
This anthology offers the best new plays from Ireland's Abbey Theatre. In Hugh Leonard's Love in the Title, a woman's visit to the Irish countryside l...
This anthology offers the best new plays from Ireland's Abbey Theatre. In Hugh Leonard's Love in the Title, a woman's visit to the Irish countryside leads to a surreal meeting with her own mother as a 30-year-old in 1964 and her grandmother as a 20-year-old in 1922. The frank exchanges that mark this meeting allow the women to remain in and represent their times, yet still communicate with each other. Frank McGuinness's Dolly West's Kitchen is set in a small house in Donegal, 1944, a meeting place where two American GIs, a British Army captain and the nationalistic West family share meals and...
This anthology offers the best new plays from Ireland's Abbey Theatre. In Hugh Leonard's Love in the Title, a woman's visit to the Irish countryside l...