Recent Developments in Infinite-Dimensional Analysis and QuantumProbability is dedicated to Professor Takeyuki Hida on the occasion of his 70th birthday. The book is more than a collection of articles. In fact, in it the reader will find a consistent editorial work, devoted to attempting to obtain a unitary picture from the different contributions and to give a comprehensive account of important recent developments in contemporary white noise analysis and some of its applications. For this reason, not only the latest results, but also motivations, explanations and...
Recent Developments in Infinite-Dimensional Analysis and QuantumProbability is dedicated to Professor Takeyuki Hida on the occasion...
Nowadays it is becoming clearer and clearer that, in the description of natural phenomena, the triadic scheme - microseopie, mesoscopic, macroscopic - is only a rough approximation and that there are many levels of description, probably an infinite hierarchy, in which the specific properties of a given level express some kind of cumulative or collective behaviour of properties or sys tems corresponding to the lower levels. One of the most interesting challenges for contemporary natural sciences is the comprehension of the connections among these different levels of description of reality and...
Nowadays it is becoming clearer and clearer that, in the description of natural phenomena, the triadic scheme - microseopie, mesoscopic, macroscopic -...
This text is one of a series of volumes whose goal is to provide a picture of the state-of-the-art in this rapidly growing field where classical probability, quantum physics and functional analysis merge together.
This text is one of a series of volumes whose goal is to provide a picture of the state-of-the-art in this rapidly growing field where classical proba...
The topics discussed in this book can be classified into three parts:
(i) Gaussian processes. The most general and in fact final representation theory of Gaussian processes is included in this book. This theory is still referred to often and its developments are discussed.
(ii) White noise analysis. This book includes the notes of the series of lectures delivered in 1975 at Carleton University in Ottawa. They describe the very original idea of introducing the notion of generalized Brownian functionals (nowadays called "generalized white noise functionals", and sometimes "Hida...
The topics discussed in this book can be classified into three parts:
(i) Gaussian processes. The most general and in fact final representation the...
Esther Batiri Williams Luigi Accardi Franco Fagnola
The dynamics of infinite classical lattice systems has been considered and has led to the study of the properties of ergodicity and convergence to equilibrium of a new class of Markov semigroups. Quantum analogues of these semigroups have also been considered. However, the problem of deriving these Markovian semigroups and, what is much more interesting, the associated stochastic flows, as limits of Hamiltonian systems, rather than postulating their form on a phenomenological basis, is essentially open both in the classical case and in the quantum case.
This book presents a conjecture that,...
The dynamics of infinite classical lattice systems has been considered and has led to the study of the properties of ergodicity and convergence to equ...
This volume includes new topics such as the stochastic limit approach to nonequilibrium states, a new algebraic approach to relativistic nonequilibrium local states, classical and quantum features of weak chaos, transports in quantum billiards, the Welcher-Weg puzzle with a decaying atom, and the topics related to the quantum Zeno effect.The proceedings have been selected for coverage in: • Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (ISTP CDROM version / ISI Proceedings)
This volume includes new topics such as the stochastic limit approach to nonequilibrium states, a new algebraic approach to relativistic nonequilibriu...
The main purpose of this volume is to emphasize the multidisciplinary aspects of this very active new line of research in which concrete technological and industrial realizations require the combined efforts of experimental and theoretical physicists, mathematicians and engineers.
The main purpose of this volume is to emphasize the multidisciplinary aspects of this very active new line of research in which concrete technological...
Senior probabilists from around the world with widely differing specialities gave their visions of the state of their specialty, why they think it is important, and how they think it will develop in the new millenium. The volume includes papers given at a symposium at Columbia University in 1995, but papers from others not at the meeting were added to broaden the coverage of areas. All papers were refereed.
Senior probabilists from around the world with widely differing specialities gave their visions of the state of their specialty, why they think it is ...
A proceedings volume that looks for interdisciplinary bridges in mathematics, physics, information and life sciences, in particular, research for new paradigms for information and life sciences on the basis of quantum theory.
A proceedings volume that looks for interdisciplinary bridges in mathematics, physics, information and life sciences, in particular, research for new ...