Quantum liquids in confined geometries exhibit a large variety of new and interesting phenomena. For example, the internal structure of the liquid becomes more pronounced than in bulk liquids when the motion of the particles is restricted by an external matrix. Also, free quantum liquid droplets enable the study of the interaction of atoms and molecules with an external field without complications arising from interactions with container walls. This volume assembles review articles that present the status of frontline research in this field in a manner that should be accessible to the...
Quantum liquids in confined geometries exhibit a large variety of new and interesting phenomena. For example, the internal structure of the liquid bec...
This invaluable book contains pedagogical articles on the dominant nonstochastic methods of microscopic many-body theories — the methods of density functional theory, coupled cluster theory, and correlated basis functions — in their widest sense. Other articles introduce students to applications of these methods in front-line research, such as Bose-Einstein condensates, the nuclear many-body problem, and the dynamics of quantum liquids. These keynote articles are supplemented by experimental reviews on intimately connected topics that are of current relevance. The book addresses...
This invaluable book contains pedagogical articles on the dominant nonstochastic methods of microscopic many-body theories — the methods of den...