The Thomas Jefferson Bible: The Life And Morals of Jesus of Nazareth is a publication originally compiled by President Thomas Jefferson in the early 19th century. In Jefferson's attempt to organize the gospels in order, he created this book which we have published that allows readers to read the bible through the eyes of Thomas Jefferson.
The Thomas Jefferson Bible: The Life And Morals of Jesus of Nazareth is a publication originally compiled by President Thomas Jefferson in the early 1...
Common Sense inflamed its readers and ignited the American Revolution. It was here that our constitutional form of government was first suggested. The forces that were focused and unleashed by Common Sense led directly to The Declaration of Independence. The Declaration led to the American Revolution and the United States' victory in that revolution led to the Articles of Confederation. Dissatisfaction with the Articles caused Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison to write The Federalist Papers, which then led to the United States Constitution as we know it today. Here in one volume...
Common Sense inflamed its readers and ignited the American Revolution. It was here that our constitutional form of government was first suggested. The...
Thomas Jefferson Continental Secon Convention Constitutiona
Collected here in one affordable volume are the most important documents of the United States of America: The Constitution of the United States of America, with the Bill of Rights and all of the Amendments; The Declaration of Independence; and the Articles of Confederation. These three documents are the basis for our entire way of life. Every citizen should have a copy.
Collected here in one affordable volume are the most important documents of the United States of America: The Constitution of the United States of Ame...
In these letters to Americans and the citizens of the world, Jefferson is, as always, a radical and visionary idealist. He has returned for this critical time of decision to reawaken and revive the ailing soul of America.
In these letters to Americans and the citizens of the world, Jefferson is, as always, a radical and visionary idealist. He has returned for this criti...
Thomas Jefferson's design for the University of Virginia is widely hailed as a masterpiece. It is his greatest architectural accomplishment, the summation of his quest for intellectual freedom. The story of the University encompasses the political and architectural worlds, as Jeffeson struggled against great opposition to establish a new type of educational institution. Thomas Jefferson's Academical Village offers a comprehensive look at Jefferson's design for the University, at how it came into being, at the different perecptions of its successes and failures, and at the...
Thomas Jefferson's design for the University of Virginia is widely hailed as a masterpiece. It is his greatest architectural accomplishment, the su...