In the aftermath of Robot's attempt to take over the world, the few survivors that remain must pick up the pieces of a world once familiar... but now completely alien
Collects Invincible #115-120.
In the aftermath of Robot's attempt to take over the world, the few survivors that remain must pick up the pieces of a world once familiar......
Kyle Barnes has been plagued by demonic possession all his life. In light of recent revelations, he finally feels like he's starting to piece together the answers he's looking for. But while he feels a new sense of purpose... is Reverend Anderson's life falling apart?
Collects Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta #7-12.
Kyle Barnes has been plagued by demonic possession all his life. In light of recent revelations, he finally feels like he's starting to piece...
After Rick delivers Carl to Hilltop to start their new lives apart, a threat emerges from within the walker hordes that no one could expect. A threat that will leave readers speechless.
Collects The Walking Dead #133-144.
After Rick delivers Carl to Hilltop to start their new lives apart, a threat emerges from within the walker hordes that no one could expect. ...
Just in time for the new season of The Walking Dead on AMC, the fan-favorite, New York Times bestseller series returns with its third massive paperback collection With over 1,000 pages, this volume contains the next chapter of Robert Kirkman's Eisner Award-winning continuing story of survival horror. Rick Grimesa (TM) dream of rebuilding civilization is tested as the people of Alexandria come into contact with other communities that have developed their own methods of survival. Collects The Walking Dead #97-144.
Just in time for the new season of The Walking Dead on AMC, the fan-favorite, New York Times bestseller series returns with its third massive paperbac...
Kyle is faced with the most emotional exorcism he's performed yet... as he begins to learn more about his abilities and what's really happening around him. The pieces are starting to fall into place as secrets are revealed that will change everything. Collects Outcast #13-18
Kyle is faced with the most emotional exorcism he's performed yet... as he begins to learn more about his abilities and what's really happening around...
Mark has returned from the past... to a very different future. Now he has to pick up the pieces of his life and try to put them back together. INVINCIBLE co-creator CORY WALKER returns to the book to set the stage for the next chapter of Invincible's life Collects issues 127 through 132.
Mark has returned from the past... to a very different future. Now he has to pick up the pieces of his life and try to put them back together. INVINCI...
For fans of the award-winning Walking Dead TV series, this first novel takes you even deeper into the drama of that story. One man's life is transformed overnight - and he'll do anything to keep his daughter alive.
For fans of the award-winning Walking Dead TV series, this first novel takes you even deeper into the drama of that story. One man's life is transform...
Der Wall ist gefallen, aber die Gemeinde von Alexandria steht noch. In einem alles verzehrenden Kraftakt haben Rick Grimes und die Schar der Überlebenden, für deren Sicherheit er verantwortlich ist, den Ansturm der lebenden Toten in ihrer Mitte aufgehalten. Und trotzdem ist nichts mehr, wie es mal war. Douglas, der Führer der Gemeinschaft, ist tot, Rick übernimmt an seiner statt die Aufsicht über die Gruppe und schwört sie auf die Zukunft ein. Statt sich vor der lebensfeindlichen Welt zu verkriechen, will er die Menschen um sich herum inspirieren, für sich und ihre Gemeinschaft zu...
Der Wall ist gefallen, aber die Gemeinde von Alexandria steht noch. In einem alles verzehrenden Kraftakt haben Rick Grimes und die Schar der Überlebe...