The International Symposium on Supercomputing - New Horizon of Computational Science was held on September 1-3, 1997 at the Science MuseuminTokyo, tocelebrate60-yearbirthdayofProfessorDaiichiroSug imoto, who hasbeenleadingtheoreticalandnumericalastrophysicsfor 30 years. The conference coveredexceptionally wide range ofsubjects, to follow Sugimoto'saccomplishmentsinmanyfields.Onthefirstdaywehadthree talksonstellarevolutionandsixtalksonstellardynamics. Onthesecond day, six talks on special-purpose computingand four talks on large-scale computing in MolecularDynamicswere given....
The International Symposium on Supercomputing - New Horizon of Computational Science was held on September 1-3, 1997 at the Science MuseuminTokyo, toc...