Facing a volatile stock market, many people have turned to real estate as a way to invest their hard-earned money. While many investors opt to buy property and then sell it quickly, other investors choose to hold onto their property for a longer period of time to realize a greater return on their investment. Real estate experts Scott Frank and Andy Heller have developed a proven and diversified program for real estate investing that incorporates both approaches and enables investors to take control of their financial futures and build wealth over time. Their new book, Buy Low, Rent Smart,...
Facing a volatile stock market, many people have turned to real estate as a way to invest their hard-earned money. While many investors opt to buy pro...
This gripping, darkly funny debut thriller from acclaimed screenwriter Scott Frank is "an L.A. story with a little bit of Elmore] Leonard, a little bit of Day of the Locust, and a whole lot of earthquakes" (Interview). Roy Cooper, a stoic, unassuming "errand runner" for New York criminals, is finishing up a job in Los Angeles a week after a powerful earthquake has wreaked havoc on the city. Wandering the streets of North Hollywood while looking for his car, Roy runs into four teenage gangbangers and finds himself in the last place he wants to be: the middle of...
This gripping, darkly funny debut thriller from acclaimed screenwriter Scott Frank is "an L.A. story with a little bit of Elmore] Leonard, a littl...