Il trasferimento tecnologico e divenuto centrale nella gestione dell'innovazione e della proprieta intellettuale in enti e imprese. Si tratta di una attivita relativamente nuova e dai forti contenuti interdisciplinari, che viene fatta oggetto di insegnamento soprattutto nei corsi post-universitari. Sono finora mancate opere di riferimento generale che trattino della materia dal punto di vista delle strategie, degli argomenti, delle politiche e delle procedure, con taglio pratico e con approfondimento scientifico tecnico, giuridico, manageriale. Dopo una parte introduttiva sulle strategie di...
Il trasferimento tecnologico e divenuto centrale nella gestione dell'innovazione e della proprieta intellettuale in enti e imprese. Si tratta di una a...
Mathematical algorithms are a fundamental component of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems. This book provides a bridge between algebraic geometry and geometric modelling algorithms, formulated within a computer science framework.
Apart from the algebraic geometry topics covered, the entire book is based on the unifying concept of using algebraic techniques - properly specialized to solve geometric problems - to seriously improve accuracy, robustness and efficiency of CAD-systems. It provides new approaches as well as industrial applications to deform surfaces...
Mathematical algorithms are a fundamental component of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems. This book provides a bridge betwe...
Mathematical algorithms are a fundamental component of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems. This book provides a bridge between algebraic geometry and geometric modelling algorithms, formulated within a computer science framework.
Apart from the algebraic geometry topics covered, the entire book is based on the unifying concept of using algebraic techniques - properly specialized to solve geometric problems - to seriously improve accuracy, robustness and efficiency of CAD-systems. It provides new approaches as well as industrial applications to deform surfaces...
Mathematical algorithms are a fundamental component of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) systems. This book provides a bridge betwe...