Lou Dobbs's bestselling expose of the silent assault on the living standards of ordinary Americans
Millions of TV viewers have known Lou Dobbs for years as the Walter Cronkite of economics coverage, and now the anchor has become the preeminent champion of the common man and the good of the national interest, who tells uncomfortable truths in a voice that can't be ignored. In this incendiary book, he presents a frontline report on the betrayal of America's middle class by interests that range from rapacious corporations to an out-of-touch political elite. The result is not only...
Lou Dobbs's bestselling expose of the silent assault on the living standards of ordinary Americans
Renowned business journalist and CNN anchor Dobbs takes aim at the executives and politicians who profit by exporting U.S. jobs overseas and shows readers what they can do to save not only their own careers, but the American way of life.
Renowned business journalist and CNN anchor Dobbs takes aim at the executives and politicians who profit by exporting U.S. jobs overseas and shows rea...
From The New York Times bestselling author of War on the Middle Class, a powerful look at the critical issues facing America on the eve of the 2008 Presidential election With up to a million viewers each day, Lou Dobbs Tonight has become one of the most popular news programs in the nation. Now Dobbs, whose last book, War on the Middle Class, captured the plight of working Americans, asks the question: What has happened to the American dream? By examining the disastrous pubic policy choices that have eroded individual liberties, reduced workers rights and...
From The New York Times bestselling author of War on the Middle Class, a powerful look at the critical issues facing America on the e...