Six leading experts lecture on a wide spectrum of recent results on the subject of the title, providing both a solid reference and deep insights on current research activity. Michael Cowling presents a survey of various interactions between representation theory and harmonic analysis on semisimple groups and symmetric spaces. Alain Valette recalls the concept of amenability and shows how it is used in the proof of rigidity results for lattices of semisimple Lie groups. Edward Frenkel describes the geometric Langlands correspondence for complex algebraic curves, concentrating on the...
Six leading experts lecture on a wide spectrum of recent results on the subject of the title, providing both a solid reference and deep insights on...
Presents an introduction to the theory of vertex algebras with a particular emphasis on the relationship with the geometry of algebraic curves. This book contains several topics, in particular an introduction to the Beilinson-Drinfeld theory of factorization algebras and the geometric Langlands correspondence.
Presents an introduction to the theory of vertex algebras with a particular emphasis on the relationship with the geometry of algebraic curves. This b...
A New York Times Science Bestseller What if you had to take an art class in which you were only taught how to paint a fence? What if you were never shown the paintings of van Gogh and Picasso, weren't even told they existed? Alas, this is how math is taught, and so for most of us it becomes the intellectual equivalent of watching paint dry. In Love and Math, renowned mathematician Edward Frenkel reveals a side of math we've never seen, suffused with all the beauty and elegance of a work of art. In this heartfelt and passionate book, Frenkel shows that...
A New York Times Science Bestseller What if you had to take an art class in which you were only taught how to paint a fence? What i...