The first of its kind, this series is devoted to the use of physical principles in the study and scientific conservation of objects with cultural heritage significance. It begins with a review of the modern museum, which discusses new techniques employed in the conservation of museum artifacts such as X-ray tomography and other techniques used to study Egyptian mummies, bones and mineralization of bones in the archaeological context, and the degradation of parchment. All of these topics and techniques are essential for the preservation of our history. This includes finding ways to preserve...
The first of its kind, this series is devoted to the use of physical principles in the study and scientific conservation of objects with cultural h...
In Chapter 1 Dudley Creagh writes on "synchrotron radiation and its use in art, archaeometry, and cultural heritage studies." Loic Bertrand has written in Chapter 2 on synchrotron imaging for archaeology and art history, conservation, and palaeontology. Dr. Bertrand is Archaeology and cultural heritage officer at the new French synchrotron, Synchrotron Soleil (Orme les Mesuriers, Gif-sur-Yvette, France). He is charged with the task of raising the awareness of cultural heritage scientists to the use of synchrotron radiation for their research. Chapter 3 has been written by Ivan Cole and his...
In Chapter 1 Dudley Creagh writes on "synchrotron radiation and its use in art, archaeometry, and cultural heritage studies." Loic Bertrand has writte...
David Bradley sets out to discover how Elizabethan theatre companies prepared plays for performance: how playwrights understood the composition of the actor-companies they wrote for, how actors followed their directions for entrances and exits and what happened when plays were adapted for changes on personnel or for other companies. For his study, Bradley has evaluated documents which survived from the records of Stage Revisers (or Plotters as they were known). Bradley's evidence includes seven theatre plots and seventeen manuscript plays, come from theatre productions which took place at the...
David Bradley sets out to discover how Elizabethan theatre companies prepared plays for performance: how playwrights understood the composition of the...
Mechatronics in Action s case-study approach provides the most effective means of illustrating how mechatronics can make products and systems more flexible, more responsive and possess higher levels of functionality than would otherwise be possible. The series of case studies serves to illustrate how a mechatronic approach has been used to achieve enhanced performance through the transfer of functionality from the mechanical domain to electronics and software.
Mechatronics in Action not only provides readers with access to a range of case studies, and the experts view of these, but also...
Mechatronics in Action s case-study approach provides the most effective means of illustrating how mechatronics can make products and systems more ...
In God's Roadmap to Peace, David R. Bradley steps through God's revealed roadmap as described in the book of Revelation one event at a time. Before time began, the Creator knew that His decision to create mankind with the freedom to reject Him would eventually lead to suffering and death. Thus, He designed a roadmap that, if followed, would lead men back to the peace God intended. God then revealed this roadmap in His word, the Bible. The final stages of His roadmap were revealed to the Apostle John in what we call the Revelation. In concert with the rest of Scripture, these events come to...
In God's Roadmap to Peace, David R. Bradley steps through God's revealed roadmap as described in the book of Revelation one event at a time. Before ti...
The Depression-era murder trial of George Crawford in Northern Virginia helped end the exclusion of African Americans from juries. Nearly forgotten today, the murders, ensuing manhunt, extradition battle and sensational trial enthralled the nation. Before it was over, the U.S. House of Representatives threatened to impeach a federal judge, the age-old states rights debate had was renewed, and a rift nearly split the fledgling NAACP. In the end, the story's hero--Howard University Law School dean Charles Hamilton Houston--was the subject of public ridicule from critics who had little...
The Depression-era murder trial of George Crawford in Northern Virginia helped end the exclusion of African Americans from juries. Nearly forgotten to...
Applied Underwater Acoustics meets the needs of scientists and engineers working in underwater acoustics and graduate students solving problems in, and preparing theses on, topics in underwater acoustics. The book is structured to provide the basis for rapidly assimilating the essential underwater acoustic knowledge base for practical application to daily research and analysis.
Each chapter of the book is self-supporting and focuses on a single topic and its relation to underwater acoustics. The chapters start with a brief description of the topic's physical background,...
Applied Underwater Acoustics meets the needs of scientists and engineers working in underwater acoustics and graduate students solving probl...
Explores how and why languages become endangered, including a comprehensive new theoretical framework and a wide range of examples from around the world. The book will be welcomed by students and scholars of anthropology, linguistics and related disciplines, and by communities at risk of losing their heritage.
Explores how and why languages become endangered, including a comprehensive new theoretical framework and a wide range of examples from around the wor...