Finally -- Everything All Self-Respecting Men Must Know About Beer & Life Beer -- man's other best friend. The kind of best friend you don't have to walk, and only occasionally have to clean up after. Written with provocative, unpretentious wit, The Man Show On Tap: A Guide to All Things Beer examines beer as it relates to all the situations men encounter in their daily lives. In addition to practical tips like opening a bottle without a church key or concocting a surefire hangover cure, Man Show veteran Ray James includes party survival tips, drinking games, the truth...
Finally -- Everything All Self-Respecting Men Must Know About Beer & Life Beer -- man's other best friend. The kind of best friend you don...
Acclaimed author Noel Riley Fitch, abetted by noted artist Rick Tulka, serves the dish on Select, the famous Montparnasse cafe that for nearly nine decades has been so vital to Paris and its intellectual denizens: from Hemingway, Beauvoir, Picasso, James Baldwin, and George Plimpton to the writers and artists who continue to work quietly there in the back room or heatedly debate every topic imaginable into the night. The artists have their work on the walls; the novelists include the cafe setting in their fiction. The quiet and drama of the Select world illustrates the centrality of cafes...
Acclaimed author Noel Riley Fitch, abetted by noted artist Rick Tulka, serves the dish on Select, the famous Montparnasse cafe that for nearly nine de...