New in the acclaimed series--the new film starring Hugh Grant and Toni Collette, adapted from the acclaimed novel by Nick Hornby (High Fidelity). Coming from Universal Pictures in April 2002, produced by Tribeca Productions and Working Title Films. Based on Nick Hornby's popular novel, About A Boy is a comedy-drama starring Hugh Grant as Will, a rich, child-free and irresponsible Londoner in his thirties who, in search of available women, invents an imaginary son and starts attending single parent meetings. As a result of one of his liaisons, he meets Marcus, an odd...
New in the acclaimed series--the new film starring Hugh Grant and Toni Collette, adapted from the acclaimed novel by Nick Hornby (High Fidelity...
"Chris Weitz has made a beautiful transition from writing and directing films to novels. The Young World is populated with characters you won't forget and a story as fresh and urgent as Divergent."--James Patterson, #1 NY Times bestselling author of Maximum Ride. Welcome to New York, a city ruled by teens. After a mysterious Sickness wipes out the rest of the population, the young survivors assemble into tightly run tribes. Jefferson, the reluctant leader of the Washington Square tribe, and Donna, the girl he's secretly in...
"Chris Weitz has made a beautiful transition from writing and directing films to novels. The Young World is populated with characters you wo...
They thought they were the only ones left. They were wrong. After the unexpected revelation at the end of the first book, Donna and Jefferson are separated. Jefferson returns to NYC and tries to bring a cure to the Sickness back to the Washington Square tribe, while Donna finds herself in England, facing an unimaginable new world. Can the two reunite and prevent an even greater disaster than the Sickness? This second book in The Young World" "trilogy, now in paperback, will keep you at the edge of your seat.
They thought they were the only ones left. They were wrong. After the unexpected revelation at the end of the first book, Donna and Jefferson are s...