"Macromolecules" provides a broad survey of the entire subject; integrated representations of chemistry, physics, and technology; precise descriptions and definitions of basic phenomena; and balanced treatments of facts and theory. The book series thus intends to bridge the gap between introductory textbooks and the highly specialized texts and monographs that cover only part of polymer science and technology. Volume I is concerned with the fundamentals of chemical structure and principles of synthesis of macromolecules: constitution, configuration, conformation, polymerization...
"Macromolecules" provides a broad survey of the entire subject; integrated representations of chemistry, physics, and technology; precise descriptions...
All life is based on big molecules, scientifically called "mac romolecules." Humans, animals, and plants cease to exist without these structural, reserve, and transport molecules. No life can be propagated without macromolecular DNA and RNA. Without macromolecules, we would only dine on water, sugars, fats, vitamins and salts but had to relinquish meat, eggs, cereals, vegetables, and fruits. We would not live in houses since wood and many stones consist of macromole cules. Without macromolecules, no clothes since all fibers are made from macromolecules. No present-day car could run: All tires...
All life is based on big molecules, scientifically called "mac romolecules." Humans, animals, and plants cease to exist without these structural, rese...
Ohne Makromolekule gibt es kein Leben. Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen waren ohne Gerust-, Vorrats- und Transport stoffe aus Makromolekulen nicht existent; ohne die makromo lekularen DNA und RNA konnte sich kein Leben fortpflanzen. Ohne Makromolekule wurden wir uns nur von Wasser, Zuk kern, Fetten, Vitaminen und Salzen ernahren, mussten aber auf Fleisch, Eier, Getreide, Gemuse und Fruchte verzichten. Wir konnten nicht in Hausern wohnen, denn Holz und viele Gesteine sind aus Makromolekulen aufgebaut. Ohne Makro molekule auch keine Kleidung: alle Fasern bestehen aus Makromolekulen. Kein jetziges...
Ohne Makromolekule gibt es kein Leben. Menschen, Tiere und Pflanzen waren ohne Gerust-, Vorrats- und Transport stoffe aus Makromolekulen nicht existen...
Like so many of its kind, this textbook originated from the requirements of teaching. While lecturing on macromolecular science as a required subject for chemists and materials scientists on the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Zurich (1960-1971), I needed a one-volume textbook which treated the whole field of macromolecular science, from its chemistry and physics to its applications, in a not too elementary manner. This textbook thus intends to bridge the gap between the often oversimplified introductory books and the highly...
Like so many of its kind, this textbook originated from the requirements of teaching. While lecturing on macromolecular science as a required subject ...