The Prairie: A Tale (1827) is a historical novel by James Fenimore Cooper, the third novel written by him featuring Natty Bumppo, his fictitious frontier hero, who is simply known as "the trapper" in it. Chronologically The Prairie is the fifth and final installment of the Leatherstocking Tales. It depicts Natty in the final year of his life still proving helpful to people in distress on the American frontier. Continuity with The Last of the Mohicans is indicated by the appearance of the grandson of Duncan and Alice Heyward of The Last of the Mohicans and the noble Pawnee chief Hard Heart,...
The Prairie: A Tale (1827) is a historical novel by James Fenimore Cooper, the third novel written by him featuring Natty Bumppo, his fictitious front...
The historical novel is set at the time of the Seven Years' War between the French and the English for supremacy in North America, in which Indian allies on both sides join in the battle.
The historical novel is set at the time of the Seven Years' War between the French and the English for supremacy in North America, in which Indian all...
Together with the Ranger Natty Bumppo, the officer Cap tries to reach Fort Oswego. They have to pass through an area controlled by enemies. By a betrayal they come into an almost hopeless situation.
Together with the Ranger Natty Bumppo, the officer Cap tries to reach Fort Oswego. They have to pass through an area controlled by enemies. By a betra...
During the American War of Independence, Mr. Wharton, together with his two daughters Sarah and Frances and his son Henry, got between the fronts of the continental army and the British.
During the American War of Independence, Mr. Wharton, together with his two daughters Sarah and Frances and his son Henry, got between the fronts of t...