The recovery of the Old City of Jerusalem in June 1967 was a pivotal Prophetic event. Find out how this major Prophetic Milestone may correlate with the start of the Tribulation. The "Traditional" teaching on the "70th Week of Daniel" has taken the Church captive into believing almost a "fairy tale" regarding Endtime events. Find out the beautiful Truth that has been hidden from modern day Christians. In this important new study you will discover the Sign of Christ's Coming and what the "Midnight Cry" may be. Jesus Christ is returning for His Bride. Are you "Watching" for your Bridegroom...
The recovery of the Old City of Jerusalem in June 1967 was a pivotal Prophetic event. Find out how this major Prophetic Milestone may correlate with t...
The Coming Spiritual Earthquake is more than the title to this book. It poignantly describes what is about to take place in the very near future. Great multitudes of Christians will be shocked when the Rapture takes place and they are Left Behind These believers will be utterly astonished to find themselves in the horrors of the Tribulation. Most believers don't realize that the popular Left Behind series has lulled the Church asleep with the false assurance they will be Raptured when Jesus returns no matter what their spiritual condition. The Antichrist is waiting in the wings to make his...
The Coming Spiritual Earthquake is more than the title to this book. It poignantly describes what is about to take place in the very near future. Grea...
God placed the Song of Solomon in the heart of the Bible for a special reason. Come Away My Beloved helps reveal that reason in a most captivating way. In this refreshing commentary on the Song of Songs you will realize why this ancient love story has perplexed Bible students and commentators down through the ages. Find out the prophetic importance veiled within the Song's poetic imagery and experience a renewed love for the Lord as you explore one of the most passionate love stories of all time. Witness the wonderful joys of romance and devotion shared by two young lovers. Discover enduring...
God placed the Song of Solomon in the heart of the Bible for a special reason. Come Away My Beloved helps reveal that reason in a most captivating way...