Based on actual events, this soul-gripping tale is an account of survival in the urban jungle of Chicago, in the 1980s. While embarked on his own street-journey, Michael Scott enters a world in which a band of brothers are locked in a desperate engagement, an Alamo-like siege of their hood. Amidst turbulent conditions, the narrator gives us all a ticket to ride next to him on this roller coaster ride, with its twist and turns of horror and frustration, suspense and humor. Following in the tradition of profound gang tales such as "The Outsiders" and "West Side Story," this must-read book goes...
Based on actual events, this soul-gripping tale is an account of survival in the urban jungle of Chicago, in the 1980s. While embarked on his own stre...
The most useful therapy is one that can be applied to a wide range of client problems, is easy to learn, and produces lasting results following a brief intervention. The cognitive-behavioural approaches described in this volume probably come nearest to this ideal. Originally published in 1989, this book begins with a description of the cognitive-behavioural revolution that had taken place in the decade prior to publication and provides therapists with the specifics of helping in four major areas: child behaviour problems, emotional disorders (depression and anxiety), interpersonal problems...
The most useful therapy is one that can be applied to a wide range of client problems, is easy to learn, and produces lasting results following a brie...
The most useful therapy is one that can be applied to a wide range of client problems, is easy to learn, and produces lasting results following a brief intervention. The cognitive-behavioural approaches described in this volume probably come nearest to this ideal.
Originally published in 1989, this book begins with a description of the cognitive-behavioural revolution that had taken place in the decade prior to publication and provides therapists with the specifics of helping in four major areas: child behaviour problems, emotional disorders (depression and anxiety), interpersonal...
The most useful therapy is one that can be applied to a wide range of client problems, is easy to learn, and produces lasting results following a b...
Shakespeare: A Complete Introduction is designed to give you everything you need to succeed, all in one place. It covers the key themes and critical concepts that students are expected to be confident in, outlining the ideas in clear jargon-free English, and then providing added-value features like key quotes, chapter recap sections, and even lists of questions you might be asked in your seminar or exam. The book organizes Shakespeare's work by genre and theme, in order to look closely at the individual plays. It opens with contextualizing information about the original texts,...
Shakespeare: A Complete Introduction is designed to give you everything you need to succeed, all in one place. It covers the key themes and...