In a collaborative documentary of the legendary prison, historian Ellen Baumler tells the physical and human tale of the trouble institution whose idyllic setting contrasts so violently with the history it holds.
In a collaborative documentary of the legendary prison, historian Ellen Baumler tells the physical and human tale of the trouble institution whose idy...
Forget dreary dates and boring facts. More Montana Moments distills the most funny, bizarre, and interesting stories from Montana's history into pure entertainment. Meet the colorful cast of the famous and infamous desperadoes, vigilantes, madams, and darned good men and women (and a few critters) who made the state's history. You'll laugh when you read about the Jesuits' discovery of a new use for cat hairs. You just might find a redeeming quality in Custer's affection for his dogs. The episodes recounted here always entertain. So have fun exploring Montana and enjoy a little history as you...
Forget dreary dates and boring facts. More Montana Moments distills the most funny, bizarre, and interesting stories from Montana's history into pure ...
Helena was born of the gold rush, nurtured by the wealth of its financiers and raised on its political struggles. The lawless gold camp and its vigilante hangings left an indelible imprint on the modern community. Restless spirits from Helena's turbulent past still linger around town. Historian and award-winning author Ellen Baumler blends history with the supernatural as she expertly weaves the past with the present in a ghostly web. Firsthand accounts and historical records add credibility to these spooky but true tales. Explore the legacy of the hangman's tree and meet the ghosts of...
Helena was born of the gold rush, nurtured by the wealth of its financiers and raised on its political struggles. The lawless gold camp and its vigila...
Montana's past embodied the rough, unforgiving and often vicious nature of the old Wild West. Unscrupulous gold camps and railroad expansion attracted the good, bad and ugly from all across the Union and as far as China. Many a soul shed blood under the Big Sky, leaving restless spirits to linger. Discover the famous cowboy artist who refuses to leave his Missoula home. Exhume the truth behind Stormit Butte, investigate the mystery at Brush Lake and become enraptured with the firsthand account of a Browning rancher's attempts at reconciliation with the ghost of a murdered Chinese rail...
Montana's past embodied the rough, unforgiving and often vicious nature of the old Wild West. Unscrupulous gold camps and railroad expansion attracted...