"Inferno - The Art Collection" by Dino Di Durante is a book of a 72-piece art collection based on Dante's Inferno story, the first part of the literary masterpiece - The Divine Comedy written by Dante Alighieri at the beginning of the 14th century. Most of the art pieces were featured in a film titled Dante's Hell Animated featuring Eric Roberts' voice as Dante. The Italian version, titled Inferno Dantesco Animato, features Franco Nero among many known celebrities. Both versions premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. The entire collection is featured in the upcoming film "Inferno by Dante"...
"Inferno - The Art Collection" by Dino Di Durante is a book of a 72-piece art collection based on Dante's Inferno story, the first part of the literar...
"Inferno - The Art Collection" by Dino Di Durante is a full color book of a 72-piece art collection based on Dante's Inferno story, the first part of the literary masterpiece, The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, the second greatest Christian story after The Gospel. This is a completely new, deep, and fascinating vision of Inferno by Dino Di Durante, who has studied this masterpiece in its original Italian for more than 30 years. The art was featured in a film titled Dante's Hell Animated (DVD available here), featuring Eric Roberts' voice as Dante. The entire collection is featured in the...
"Inferno - The Art Collection" by Dino Di Durante is a full color book of a 72-piece art collection based on Dante's Inferno story, the first part of ...
SPECTACULAR AND MIND BLOWING IMAGES OF HELL USED IN TWO ACCLAIMED FILMS Do You Love Horror Books? "Inferno" will Scare You Death "Inferno - The Art Collection" by Dino Di Durante is a full color book of a 72-piece art collection based on Dante's Inferno story, the first part of the literary masterpiece, The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, the second greatest Christian story after The Gospel. This is a completely new, deep, and fascinating vision of Inferno by Dino Di Durante, who has studied this masterpiece in its original Italian for more than 30 years. The art was featured in a film...
SPECTACULAR AND MIND BLOWING IMAGES OF HELL USED IN TWO ACCLAIMED FILMS Do You Love Horror Books? "Inferno" will Scare You Death "Inferno - The Art ...