In 1946 ominous clouds are gathering on the narrow horizon of Lupoaia (Valley of the Wolves), a little village in Transylvania, where traditions, impregnated with prejudice and superstition, have endured over many generations. The Second World War is over but the lives of the villagers are thrown into turmoil with the imposition of drastic, senseless changes by a new regime, intent on creating a "new man" for a "new society." The newly-installed totalitarian government threatens to eliminate the Flonta family by declaring Teodor's father, Pavel, a "chiabur" - an 'enemy of the people'. Pavel...
In 1946 ominous clouds are gathering on the narrow horizon of Lupoaia (Valley of the Wolves), a little village in Transylvania, where traditions, impr...
In 1946, nori amenintatori se aduna pe cerul unui satuc din Transilvania, Lupoaia, unde traditiile imbibate cu prejudecati si superstitii au dainuit de-a lungul multor generatii. Cel de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial s-a sfarsit dar vietile lupoienilor sunt ravasite de impunerea unor schimbari draconice si fara sens de catre un nou regim care doreste sa creeze un om nou, pentru o societate noua. Guvernul totalitar recent instalat ameninta sa elimine familia Flonta, declarandu-l pe Pavel, tatal lui Teodor, chiabur - "dusman al poporului." Pavel este arestat, intemnitat si torturat. Cand valul...
In 1946, nori amenintatori se aduna pe cerul unui satuc din Transilvania, Lupoaia, unde traditiile imbibate cu prejudecati si superstitii au dainuit d...
Teodor is just twenty-two, a student struggling to survive under the regime of President Ceausescu. One day his world is turned upside down when a young language graduate, Ariella, arrives in the city at the 12th International Linguistics Congress. She is so different from any girl Teodor has met before - beautiful, bright and optimistic - and for him it is love at first sight. But there is one big obstacle. Ariella is Italian and contact between Romanians and Westerners is not allowed by the laws of the tyrannical regime. Despite this, once Ariella returns to Italy, their relationship...
Teodor is just twenty-two, a student struggling to survive under the regime of President Ceausescu. One day his world is turned upside down when a you...