The triggerfishes are one of the best known and most vili-fied groups of marine livestock. This status is not altogether undeserved; triggers are oddly shaped, often beautifully marked, with bizarre behavioral repertoires. The group is widely, if cautiously used for human consumption, and their rough skin appropriately used as a "biological" sand-paper. Easily acquired, acclimated, raised and trained; except for the overtly cantanker-ousness of some species Balistids make for the best of marine keeping. Some Personal Background re Myself & the Group: When I was somewhat younger and foolish...
The triggerfishes are one of the best known and most vili-fied groups of marine livestock. This status is not altogether undeserved; triggers are oddl...
Scorpionfishes are amongst the most readily recognizable marine denizens by aquarists and lay people alike. Many species are beautifully and cryptically marked and colored, and fancifully shaped. Bear in mind also that these fishes are mostly immobile, and often missed due to camouflage. Some of the Lionfishes are amongst the most frequently kept marine aquarium specimens. Others, like the gorgeous Rhinopias species are greatly prized (and priced ) for their magnificence. Most all Scorpionfishes are feared for their spininess and venomous potential; and with good cause. These "Mail-Cheeked"...
Scorpionfishes are amongst the most readily recognizable marine denizens by aquarists and lay people alike. Many species are beautifully and cryptical...