Modern computer-based control systems are able to collect a large amount of information, display it to operators and store it in databases but the interpretation of the data and the subsequent decision making relies mainly on operators with little computer support. This book introduces developments in automatic analysis and interpretation of process-operational data both in real-time and over the operational history, and describes new concepts and methodologies for developing intelligent, state-space-based systems for process monitoring, control and diagnosis.
The book brings...
Modern computer-based control systems are able to collect a large amount of information, display it to operators and store it in databases but the ...
Modern computer-based control systems are able to collect a large amount of information, display it to operators and store it in databases but the interpretation of the data and the subsequent decision making relies mainly on operators with little computer support. This book introduces developments in automatic analysis and interpretation of process-operational data both in real-time and over the operational history, and describes new concepts and methodologies for developing intelligent, state space-based systems for process monitoring, control and diagnosis. The book brings together new...
Modern computer-based control systems are able to collect a large amount of information, display it to operators and store it in databases but the int...