Starting Right: Thinking Theologically About Youth Ministry is the first academic textbook that introduces youth ministry students (whether undergraduate or graduate level) to a marriage of solid research, real life, and accessible design. Whereas most college-level texts may reflect a thorough (though impenetrable) mastery of the field, they tend to expect readers to plow through unnecessarily thick prose and bland design because "it's good for them." Youth Specialties doesn't agree. In this debut title to a continuing academic book line, college and seminary students will be...
Starting Right: Thinking Theologically About Youth Ministry is the first academic textbook that introduces youth ministry students (whethe...
"THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD" IS MORE THAN JUST A CLICHE. God goes to great lengths to rescue lost and hurting people. That is what The Story is all about: the story of the Bible, God's great love affair with humanity. Condensed into 31 accessible chapters, The Story sweeps you into the unfolding progression of Bible characters and events from Genesis to Revelation. Using the classic, yet updated text of the New King James Version Bible, it allows the stories, poems, and teachings of the Bible to read like a novel. And like any good story, The Story is filled with intrigue, drama,...
"THE GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD" IS MORE THAN JUST A CLICHE. God goes to great lengths to rescue lost and hurting people. That is what The Story is a...
El best-seller de las 40 obras escritas por el bien conocido autor, habiendo sido adoptado por muchos seminarios e institutos biblicos para la asignatura de Homiletica. Cada capitulo o leccion va ilustrado con bosquejos practicos sobre textos y temas biblicos, y lleva un grafico y doce grabados sobre gestos y aactitudes impropias del predicador en el pulpito.
El best-seller de las 40 obras escritas por el bien conocido autor, habiendo sido adoptado por muchos seminarios e institutos biblicos para la asignat...
En Vive tu liderazgo, el autor Abraham Figuera invita al lector a activar el lider que lleva dentro. De esa manera le sera posible iniciar un proceso de transformacion de su ambiente, sus relaciones, su ministerio y su vida.
En Vive tu liderazgo, el autor Abraham Figuera invita al lector a activar el lider que lleva dentro. De esa manera le sera posible iniciar un proceso ...
Algo especial hizo Job para conquistar el corazon de Dios a tal punto que el Senor le dijo al enemigo: Te has puesto a pensar en mi siervo Job? No hay en la tierra nadie como el; es un hombre recto e intachable, que me honra y vive apartado del mal? (Job 1:8). Dios tiene emociones. Siente dolor, pero tambien siente placer, y a nosotros se nos ha dado el privilegio de poder tocar su corazon. Pero lo mejor de todo es que fue el quien tomo la iniciativa de buscarnos y conquistar nuestro corazon. Jeremias dijo: Me sedujiste, Senor, y yo me deje seducir Fuiste mas fuerte que yo, y me venciste...
Algo especial hizo Job para conquistar el corazon de Dios a tal punto que el Senor le dijo al enemigo: Te has puesto a pensar en mi siervo Job? No hay...
The NIV and The Message Parallel Study Bible combines three powerful study resources into one. First, there's the complete text of the clear, accessible New International Version, the world's most popular modern-English Bible. Next, there's the penetrating insights and conversational style of The Message, today's bestselling paraphrase. Finally, 10,000 study notes from the pages of the bestselling NIV Study Bible are combined with these two texts to create a wonderful study tool for anyone who wants to dig deeper into God's Word. Features: - Book introductions - The...
The NIV and The Message Parallel Study Bible combines three powerful study resources into one. First, there's the complete text of the cle...
Women will love this topically-arranged promise book that includes Scripture and timely devotional thoughts. With contributions from Joni Eareckson Tada, Ruth Bell Graham, Emilie Barnes, Rosa Parks, Elisabeth Elliot, and other godly women (gleaned from the NIV Women's Devotional Bible), God's Words of Life gives practical wisdom straight from the Bible. This beautiful book is perfect for personal use or to share with a friend.
Women will love this topically-arranged promise book that includes Scripture and timely devotional thoughts. With contributions from Joni Eareckson...
Join bestselling author Lysa TerKuerst for Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl, a six-session small group Bible study that helps you figure out how to trade in going through the motions for the spiritual healthy and vibrant life for which you long.
I really want to know God, personally and intimately.
Do those words resonate with you? You re tired of just going through the motions of being a Christian: Go to church. Pray. Be nice. That spiritual to-do list just doesn t cut it. But what does? How do you step out of the drudger of religious duty to experience a living,...
Join bestselling author Lysa TerKuerst for Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl, a six-session small group Bible study that helps you figure ...
Como se define una relacion con Dios y como la podemos obtener? Es vital para los lideres de la iglesia tomar muy en serio esta interrogante para lograr respuestas mas alla de las que ya no son suficientes. Vivir una vida recta, no solo pronunciar palabras elocuentes, debe ser nuestra respuesta. La calidad de nuestra relacion con Dios es lo que influira en nuestra salud, fortaleza y en el testimonio de la iglesia en un mundo cada vez mas complejo y hostil.
Como se define una relacion con Dios y como la podemos obtener? Es vital para los lideres de la iglesia tomar muy en serio esta interrogante para logr...