Written not by a journalist or politician but rather by a theology professor with a Ph.D. in New Testament studies, Voting as a Christian: The Social Issues begins with the assumption that God intended the Bible to give guidance to every area of life--including how governments should function. Derived from author Wayne Grudem's magisterial Politics--According to the Bible, this book highlights those social issues that have dominated political debate recently. Throughout, author Wayne Grudem supports political positions that would be called more "conservative" than "liberal." However, "it...
Written not by a journalist or politician but rather by a theology professor with a Ph.D. in New Testament studies, Voting as a Christian: The Soci...
Written not by a journalist or politician but rather by a theology professor with a Ph.D. in New Testament studies, Voting by the Bible: The Economic and Foreign Policy Issues begins with the assumption that God intended the Bible to give guidance to every area of life--including how governments should function. Derived from author Wayne Grudem's magisterial Politics--According to the Bible, this book highlights those economic and foreign-policy issues that have dominated political debate recently. Throughout, author Wayne Grudem supports political positions that would be...
Written not by a journalist or politician but rather by a theology professor with a Ph.D. in New Testament studies, Voting by the Bible: The Ec...
In this ten-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), Faith Under Fire: Exploring Christianity's Toughest Questions, Lee Strobel hosts interviews and debates between knowledgeable and passionate experts discussing what they believe and why they believe it.
This dynamic study answers tough questions about the existence of God, Christianity and Islam, the reliability of the Bible, faith and science, and many others issues.
Bestselling author Lee Strobel hosts spirited discussions between well-respected Christians, people of other faiths, and...
In this ten-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), Faith Under Fire: Exploring Christianity's Toughest Questions<...
The Bear Scouts are ready to earn their Cave Adventure Merit Badges. How will Scoutmaster Papa Bear help the cubs?
This is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it's perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences. It aligns with guided reading level I and will be of interest to children Pre-K to 2nd grade.
The Bear Scouts are ready to earn their Cave Adventure Merit Badges. How will Scoutmaster Papa Bear help the cubs?
The Bear cubs like to spend, spend, spend. Will the new piggy bank Mama bought help teach Brother and Sister about saving money?
This is a Level One I Can Read book, which means it's perfect for children learning to sound out words and sentences. It aligns with guided reading level J and will be of interest to children Pre-K to 2nd grade.
The Bear cubs like to spend, spend, spend. Will the new piggy bank Mama bought help teach Brother and Sister about saving money?
La serie de comentarios por Samuel Perez Millos es un estudio del griego a lo largo del Nuevo Testamento de una forma metodica. Se trata de una gran coleccion tecnica, analitica. Linguistica, exegetica, practica y didactica complementada con temas doctrinales que precisan de mayor atencion y detalle. Incluye texto interlineal completo, analisis detallado de palabras y preposiciones, exposicion y aplicacion..
La serie de comentarios por Samuel Perez Millos es un estudio del griego a lo largo del Nuevo Testamento de una forma metodica. Se trata de una gran c...
En una cultura que cambia a una velocidad vertiginosa, es vital que los lideres de jovenes conozcan a profundidad las necesidades, los desafios, las formas de pensar y los interrogantes a los que se enfrentan las nuevas generaciones. Este libro es un recurso altamente necesario y util para quienes aman a la juventud y desean ser efectivos al tratar de alcanzarla. Cuando lo hayas leido, habran aumentado notablemente el impacto y la influencia de tu trabajo con la juventud.
En una cultura que cambia a una velocidad vertiginosa, es vital que los lideres de jovenes conozcan a profundidad las necesidades, los desafios, las f...
Ser cristiano puede ser mas dificil de lo que deberia ser. Desanimados, ansiosos, agotados, nos preguntamos que paso con el poder y el gozo prometidos por Jesus. Podras orar, oir predicaciones excelentes, hacer un fuerte enfasis en la Biblia, tener un magnifico grupo de alabanza y una congregacion trabajadora, escribe Cymbala, pero si no tienes un contacto vital con el Espiritu de Dios, te estas perdiendo la vida que Dios tiene para ti. El Espiritu Santo es el agente de Dios en la tierra. Sin embargo, es el menos comprendido, del que menos se predica, y del que menos se habla entre los...
Ser cristiano puede ser mas dificil de lo que deberia ser. Desanimados, ansiosos, agotados, nos preguntamos que paso con el poder y el gozo prometidos...
Esto es un material fantastico para aquellos que ya estan de novios y quieren llegar bien preparados al matrimonio. Tambien esta pensado como un recurso para pastores y lideres, que sirva de base en la consejeria y el seguimiento de las parejas. El autor presenta los aspectos mas importantes que hacen al sano desarrollo de una relacion de pareja y a una adecuada preparacion para un futuro juntos en Dios.
Esto es un material fantastico para aquellos que ya estan de novios y quieren llegar bien preparados al matrimonio. Tambien esta pensado como un recur...