Containing even more how-to ideas for youth ministry as a follow up to its predecessor, this book from The Ideas Library will provide countless hours of gaming entertainment.
Containing even more how-to ideas for youth ministry as a follow up to its predecessor, this book from The Ideas Library will provide countless hours ...
Nearly 200 ideas for planning meaningful, memorable experiences for your kids -Camps & Retreats . . . The drive up the mountain . . . The opening talk . . . The outdoor activities . . . The closing fireside -- here's a lodgeful of ideas for organizing successful camps and retreats. - Missions . . . Because even foreign mission work can start within our own borders, you'll find dozens of ideas for helping overseas missionaries right here at home. A used-Bible drive, a scavenger hunt for missionary supplies -- activities like these not only benefit missionaries, but also help your kids...
Nearly 200 ideas for planning meaningful, memorable experiences for your kids -Camps & Retreats . . . The drive up the mountain . . . The opening tal...
Over 200 festive ideas for cranking up celebrations for every holiday imaginable - Christmas . . . Here's your one-stop Christmas programming center. You'll find everything you need for the merriest Advent and Christmas season ever -- goofy games, crazy carols, outrageous outings, and silly skits to fill even the biggest Christmas stocking. And, of course, Christmassy meetings and lessons to help your kids focus on the real reason for the season. - Easter & Lent . . . Worship activities, reenactments, Bible lessons, meeting plans, and service projects, all designed to commemorate the death...
Over 200 festive ideas for cranking up celebrations for every holiday imaginable - Christmas . . . Here's your one-stop Christmas programming center....
Break the ice and warm up your group -- at meetings, parties, studies, or any other youth group event -- with one of these 230 crowd breakers and mixers - Mixers . . . Make it fun for kids to get acquainted Lots of creative ways for a group of strangers or classmates to circulate and learn a lot about each other in a little time. - Meeting-Opening Contests . . . All you need usually are two or three brave souls to jump feet first into a crazy competition while the group watches -- like Greasepuff (page 55) or Foot Signing (page 112). - Musical Crowd Breakers . . . Okay, so when your group...
Break the ice and warm up your group -- at meetings, parties, studies, or any other youth group event -- with one of these 230 crowd breakers and mixe...
Rowdy, restless, silly, out of control, moody, vulgar, disrespectful, unpredictable -- this may be the junior high stereotype, writes youth ministry expert Wayne Rice. But early adolescents' enthusiasm, loyalty, energy, candidness, and willingness to learn -- these more than compensate for the well-publicized hazards of working with middle schoolers. In this edition of Junior High Ministry -- updated and expanded to reflect the realities of middle school ministry at the turn of the century -- the cofounder of Youth Specialties takes a comprehensive look at the early adolescent experience:...
Rowdy, restless, silly, out of control, moody, vulgar, disrespectful, unpredictable -- this may be the junior high stereotype, writes youth ministr...
A captivating, skillfully chosen illustration communicates more, is remembered longer, and has greater impact than thousands of words that offer abstract truth but tell no story. Jesus knew the value of story. He consistently sprinkled his talks with parables, stories, and illustrations to drive home the point He was making. In the best-selling tradition of Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks and More Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks, comes a third volume of lively, effective illustrations, stories, parables, and anecdotes, compiled by veteran youth worker Wayne Rice. Some will make...
A captivating, skillfully chosen illustration communicates more, is remembered longer, and has greater impact than thousands of words that offer ab...
In Worship Evangelism, Sally Morgenthaler calls the church to consider the remarkable, untapped potential of worship as an opportunity of those who aren't yet followers of Jesus Christ as well as those who are to encounter the presence of God. Combining the best of traditional and contemporary worship music and practices, Morgenthaler shows how to achieve worship that's both culturally relevant and authentic. She helps pastors, worship leaders, and musicians - Understand worship and its attraction for non-Christians - Tear down walls that keep unbelievers from meeting God in church worship...
In Worship Evangelism, Sally Morgenthaler calls the church to consider the remarkable, untapped potential of worship as an opportunity of those who...
The newest volume in the best-selling Ideas Library is a huge collection of over 400 of the newest, most fun, most creative youth-group-tested games every imagined!
The newest volume in the best-selling Ideas Library is a huge collection of over 400 of the newest, most fun, most creative youth-group-tested games e...
Even the greatest teachers know that nothing teaches like a great story. Which is why you're holding in your hands yet another collection of 100 stories, parables, and anecdotes for youth group talks--the fourth installment of the best-selling Hot Illustrations for Youth Talks series compiled by Wayne Rice. These imaginative, thoughtful, read-'em-off-the-page yarns are perfect for bringing youth talks to life, whether your stage is Sunday school, camps and retreats, small groups . . . even parent meetings These all-new, teenager-tested tales are straight from the "Illustrations That Always...
Even the greatest teachers know that nothing teaches like a great story. Which is why you're holding in your hands yet another collection of 100 stori...