Markus Helfenstein Markus Helfenstein George S. Moschytz
Thisbook contains revised contributions byt he speakers oft he 1s t IEEE Workshop on Wireless Communication Circuits andSystems, held in Lucerne, Switzerland, from June 22-24, 1998. The aim oft he workshop was to apply the vast expertise oft he CAS Society in the area of circuit and systemdesign to therapidly growing field of wireless communications. Theworkshop combined presentations by invited experts from academia and industry with panel and informal discussions. The following topics were covered: RFSystemInteg ration (single chip systems, CM OS RF circuits), RFFront End Circuits (CMOS RF...
Thisbook contains revised contributions byt he speakers oft he 1s t IEEE Workshop on Wireless Communication Circuits andSystems, held in Lucerne, Swit...
Thisbook contains revised contributions byt he speakers oft he 1s t IEEE Workshop on Wireless Communication Circuits andSystems, held in Lucerne, Switzerland, from June 22-24, 1998. The aim oft he workshop was to apply the vast expertise oft he CAS Society in the area of circuit and systemdesign to therapidly growing field of wireless communications. Theworkshop combined presentations by invited experts from academia and industry with panel and informal discussions. The following topics were covered: RFSystemInteg ration (single chip systems, CM OS RF circuits), RFFront End Circuits (CMOS RF...
Thisbook contains revised contributions byt he speakers oft he 1s t IEEE Workshop on Wireless Communication Circuits andSystems, held in Lucerne, Swit...