An analysis of the major securities, derivatives and money markets from an operations point of view, 'Understanding the Markets' takes the reader through the major features and characteristics of the markets and the products. The relationship between the trading and dealing functions and the operations functions is examined and the issues discussed.
This book looks at the financial markets from the viewpoint of the person working in the operations functions that support the trading, dealing and investment processes, and as such is essential reading in order to fully understand the...
An analysis of the major securities, derivatives and money markets from an operations point of view, 'Understanding the Markets' takes the reader thro...
'Managing Technology in The Operations Function' looks at issues in technology from the operations function rather than from an IT perspective. It explores the use of technology for processing, provision of client services, risk management and business management. The authors analyse the benefits of straight through processing and the practical implications of managing technology products in operations. System risk and opportunities are explored and case studies are examined along with industry trends to assess upcoming developments and their impacts.
The use of technology is one of the...
'Managing Technology in The Operations Function' looks at issues in technology from the operations function rather than from an IT perspective. It exp...
'Controls, Procedures and Risk' covers the skills and procedures needed to enable the monitoring and managing of risk and the authors focus on procedures design, implementation and documentation. Considerable emphasis is also given to the key controls and the importance of control functions, audit and risk management groups and policy. Case studies are used to effectively demonstrate 'success' and 'failure'.
In the financial services industry risk is a constant threat to organizations of all sizes and to the markets themselves. Many industry 'events' have shown how dangerous it is...
'Controls, Procedures and Risk' covers the skills and procedures needed to enable the monitoring and managing of risk and the authors focus on procedu...
'Regulation and Compliance in Operations' looks at how regulation affects the operations function by focusing on regulatory issues and drivers. As regulatory demands ever increasing, it is important for operations teams to be aware of the important regulatory issues which exist globally.
Like any other part of an organization in the financial services industry, operations has rules and regulations to comply with. Although many view regulation as being about rooting out rogue traders and controlling speculators, its role is much more profound than this, and without it many more...
'Regulation and Compliance in Operations' looks at how regulation affects the operations function by focusing on regulatory issues and drivers. As reg...
'Relationship and Resource Management in Operations' explains in practical terms the importance of the business relationships with internal and external counterparts while demonstrating how things can go wrong and what causes the situation. The authors examine the need to instil cultures in the team focusing on client service, risk and cost effectiveness. The text covers, via practical examples, the kind of scenario managers or supervisors might face in their role and shows what decisions could and should be made.
The operations function in a financial organization is crucial to the...
'Relationship and Resource Management in Operations' explains in practical terms the importance of the business relationships with internal and extern...
This is an account of how a principal combines the rational and emotional components of leadership to lead the transformation of a school. Most attempts at reform come from the outside, with people wishing to impose a curriculum and benchmarks; this book assumes that schools can transform themselves, but only when those involved in schools (especially principals) develop self-respect and achieve self-actualization. The author believes, and has demonstrated in his colleges, that a sensitive, thoughtful, proactive leadership might yet deliver the quality outcomes that the community desires from...
This is an account of how a principal combines the rational and emotional components of leadership to lead the transformation of a school. Most attemp...
This is an account of how a principal combines the rational and emotional components of leadership to lead the transformation of a school. Most attempts at reform come from the outside, with people wishing to impose a curriculum and benchmarks; this book assumes that schools can transform themselves, but only when those involved in schools (especially principals) develop self-respect and achieve self-actualization. The author believes, and has demonstrated in his colleges, that a sensitive, thoughtful, proactive leadership might yet deliver the quality outcomes that the community desires from...
This is an account of how a principal combines the rational and emotional components of leadership to lead the transformation of a school. Most attemp...