Rebecca Parker was a young minister in Seattle when a woman walked into her church and asked if God really wanted her to accept her husband's beatings and bear them gladly, as Jesus bore the cross. Parker knew, at that moment, that if she were to answer the woman's question truthfully she would have to rethink her theology. And she would have to think hard about some of the choices she was making in her own life. When Rita Nakashima Brock was a young child growing up in Kansas, kids taunted her viciously, calling her names like "Chink" or "Jap." She learned to pretend that she did not...
Rebecca Parker was a young minister in Seattle when a woman walked into her church and asked if God really wanted her to accept her husband's beatings...
For over a generation now, conservative religion has had a monopoly in the United States. Or so our politics and the popular press have told us. Both have a tendency to polarize: religion=conservative versus liberal=secular individualist. But this view is simplistic and one-dimensional.
For over a generation now, conservative religion has had a monopoly in the United States. Or so our politics and the popular press have told us. Both ...