Peter H. (AT&T Wireless Services, Woodinville, Washington) Gregory
If you have a business or a nonprofit organization, or if you're the one responsible for information systems at such an operation, you know that disaster recovery planning is pretty vital. But it's easy to put it off. After all, where do you start?
IT Disaster Recovery Planning For Dummies shows you how to get started by creating a safety net while you work out the details of your major plan. The right plan will get your business back on track quickly, whether you're hit by a tornado or a disgruntled employee with super hacking powers. Here's how to assess the situation, develop...
If you have a business or a nonprofit organization, or if you're the one responsible for information systems at such an operation, you know that disas...
Court Reporting in Australia, first published in 2005, uses the experience of reporters and subeditors to present a practical view of reporting on the legal system. Peter Gregory avoids the rigid fashion in which media law matters are usually described and, while he covers such vital areas as defamation and contempt, he focuses on the experiences and lessons to be learned from court reporters on the job. He highlights the problems and common mistakes likely to land journalists and media organisations in trouble. It features information and realistic advice from court reporters working for...
Court Reporting in Australia, first published in 2005, uses the experience of reporters and subeditors to present a practical view of reporting on the...
Among the first titles published in 1978, with more than 150,000 copies in print in three editions, Japanese Maples is a Timber Press classic. Japanese maples are unlike any other tree. They boast a remarkable diversity of color, form, and texture. As a result of hundreds of years of careful breeding, they take the center stage in any garden they are found. In the last decade, the number of Japanese maple cultivars available to gardeners has doubled and there is a pressing need for an up-to-date reference. This new fourth edition offers detailed descriptions of over 150 new...
Among the first titles published in 1978, with more than 150,000 copies in print in three editions, Japanese Maples is a Timber Press classic. ...
The foundations of the chemical dyestuffs industry were laid in 1856 when W. H. Perkin discovered the dye Mauveine. At approximately the same time modern chemistry was establishing itself as a major science. Thus, the chemistry of dyes became that branch of organic chemistry in which the early scientific theories were first used. This early eminence has now been largely lost. In fact, many of our academic and teaching institutions pay little attention to this vitally important branch of organic chemistry. We believe that this book will help to rectify this unfortunate situation. The majority...
The foundations of the chemical dyestuffs industry were laid in 1856 when W. H. Perkin discovered the dye Mauveine. At approximately the same time mod...