In this sequel to the acclaimed thriller, THE JESUS THIEF, police find an unknown man near death, and evidence of a recent birth, at a crime scene in Central Park. Days later a celebrated scientist, Felix Rossi, holds a press conference at the prestigious University Club in New York. He announces to a startled world that the rumors about him are true. Felix did produce a human clone from DNA he stole from the Shroud of Turin, but he claims both clone and mother died in childbirth. Ten years later, a mysterious woman and boy are living blissfully on Italy's Lake Maggiore in the little yellow...
In this sequel to the acclaimed thriller, THE JESUS THIEF, police find an unknown man near death, and evidence of a recent birth, at a crime scene in ...
Dubbed "great stuff" by "Booklist" in a starred review, translated into six languages, nominated for awards, and twice optioned for film, "The Jesus Thief" is a scientific-religious thriller about an attempt to clone Jesus of Nazareth.
Dubbed "great stuff" by "Booklist" in a starred review, translated into six languages, nominated for awards, and twice optioned for film, "The Jesus T...